---- ACT IV

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✎↷: —— ❤︎ ˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚

matt maltese

Flower picking. That's one thing that always reminded Y/N of Victor, no matter the circumstances.

The adolescent often went out to pick all sorts of flowers for all sorts of different things. They made tea from them, placed them gently in old hardcover books, and even hung them in their room.

Today, they had made it their mission to collect some beautiful yellow pansies and red carnations for Victor.

They were going to put them in the most exquisite glass vase next to his bed.

Yellow pansies meaning they were thinking of him, the red carnations were to say that their heart aches for him.

The peculiar child set their basket down, gently placing themselves onto the freshly-cut grass.
They allowed their thoughts to consume them as they drew a nearby valley of red tulips.

"What flowers have you picked, Victor?" the teen asked, smiling sweetly to their taller friend.

"I picked some Hyacinths, for you my love" the boy teased in a humorous manner.

Y/N blushed, looking at the ground rather than Victor. "Do you know what those flowers mean?" they inquired.

"What flowers?" Victor retorted, spacing out.

"The Hyacinths, Victor."

"Oh, yes of course I do. Why do you ask?" he questioned them, wiggling his eyebrows stupidly.

Y/N chuckled, rolling their eyes at him.
"You know what I mean," they told him with a sigh.

"I do!" Victor whined, "Hyacinths mean 'Your loveliness charms me'."

"Well, it seems you do know then," Y/N muttered not taking his words personally as it sounded like a joke; nothing more. Though to Victor, it meant everything.

"Look Victor! A lady beetle!" Y/N exclaimed, eyes gleaming.

The small polka-dotted creature landed on the teen's finger, crawling into their palm.

"Why do all the animals only like you!" Victor grumbled, though not meaning it in a rude way.

The child with the time peculiarity ignored him, admiring the small critter as she toddled her way around their hand.

Y/N set the lady beetle onto a drop of rain on the grass, watching as the bug practically absorbed the water.

"We should head back now, it's nearly supper time." Victor stated matter-of-factly.

"I suppose we should," Y/N trailed off.

The two walked back to the children's home, chatting about the flowers they had picked.

They knocked on the front door, Miss Peregrine opening it.

"My my, dear Y/N those are some lovely flowers!" Miss Peregrine marvelled.

"Oh, actually mine are in the garden! Victor picked these Hyacinths for me," they smiled, allowing the mother figure a closer look.

The Peregrine raised one eyebrow, looking towards Victor who rubbed his arm looking sheepish.

"Well, how nice of you Victor," she clapped her hands together "now, you two best be off on your way to your afternoon duties."

"Yes Miss Peregrine!" the two walked together into the garden, beginning to gather the smaller children.

The cold droplet fell on their cheek, startling them out of their thoughts.

Y/N looked up slowly, "Oh no!" they shouted.

The teen grabbed their basket, running as fast as they could through the field to get home.

Placing their now muddy shoes aside on the porch, the soaked child entered the home.

Making their way up to Enoch's room, they placed their feet down a little too harshly; almost stomping.

"Enoch!" they yelled, said boy nearly jumping out of his skin.

"What have I told you about knocking, you creep?!"

"Sorry! Can I have the key to Vic's room please?" Y/N begged.

The necromancer sighed, gently throwing the key to Y/N. "Thanks Enoch!" they giggled, skipping down the hall.

Unlocking the door and shutting it again after they entered, Y/N sighed. They walked over to the glass vase that had been placed there the previous midnight, neatly arranging the yellow pansies and red carnations inside.

They silently walked closer to Victor's bed, leaning down to caress the cold boy's cheek.

"I miss you Victor," they told him; a tear rolling down their cheek.

They hugged him close, climbing into the boy's bed. Pulling the blankets over them, they held onto him tightly as if he would disappear if they let go.

A/N: sorry for not posting chapters for a while, i took a small hiatus due to a family members passing. however, i am back now and i will be updating regularly again. <3

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