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✎↷: —— ❤︎ ˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚

olivia rodrigo

Y/N was exhausted.

They were beyond happy that they figured out how to control their peculiarity. Really, they were — but it was so tiring and anxiety inducing.

Y/N rolled onto their right side, clutching their upper ribcage on the left hand side.

They had fallen multiple times after coming back from the alternate version of their world. It was always dizzying, they didn't think they'd ever get used to it.

They lay there, staring out their window watching the rain pour silently outside.

It was days like this that Y/N was most at peace. They liked rainy days because this was when they usually had time to lay back and crack open a book.

Lately though, they didn't want to do any of that. They only wanted to work and work and work until they could finally bring their tall friend back.

Y/N decided to get up, opening their squeaky door and walking across the hall.

They opened the door to Victor's room, figuring they'd talk to him for a while because they had been too busy to see him lately.

Entering the room brought the same sorrow-filled atmosphere it always did, but they would put up with it to visit their friend.

"Hey Victor," they exhaled heavily "I'm sorry I haven't been to see you."

Y/N loosely took the pale boy's hand in theirs and caressed it with their thumb. This action causing a scar to become visible and a memory to be brought up once more.

"Y/N you've got to be more careful," Victor cooed gently wrapping gauze and bandages around their hand and wrist.

"I know, Vic. Ah, gods that hurts" Y/N hissed in pain, feeling tears leak from the corners of their eyes.

The tall brunette boy noticed this and his eyes softened, bringing his hand upwards to smooth out the wrinkles on his friend's forehead and pat their head.

"I'm almost finished, Y/N. Just a bit longer."

Victor could tell that his so called 'partner in crime' was in a fair bit of pain so he tried to be as quick as he could without hurting them too much.

Y/N took a deep breath as they realised Victor had finished patching them up.

The boy embraced his friend with warm arms, Y/N getting slightly embarrassed and smushing their face into his chest.

Victor chuckled, rubbing their back.

"Aren't you glad you have me to fix you back up?" he teased, nudging them.

"Yes I am glad to have you, thank you Vic." They smiled, giving the boy an innocent peck on the cheek and walking away.

Victor stood there dumbfounded, mouth opening and closing almost like a goldfish.

All of a sudden he felt dizzy, his face becoming hot and sweaty. Victor touched his cheek where Y/N's lips had just been.

"I think I've just been touched by an angel," Victor whispered aloud.

Millard, who had watched the whole thing being completely invisible due to not wearing clothes, was shocked to say the least.

"You were so cute," Y/N chuckled sadly "I need to bring you back as soon as possible."

Leaning down slowly, Y/N hugged the other's cold body close.

"Come back to us Victor," they mumbled "come back to me."

A/N: HAH!! to be continued but at least you got two chapters in one night right? i'm going to sleep now, it's 1am. happy reading! <3

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | VICTOR BRUNTLEY ✔️Where stories live. Discover now