---- ACT XV

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✎↷: —— ❤︎ ˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚

harry styles

Having Victor back was.. weird to say the least.

It's not like Y/N minded. However, it was a little bit to get used to. He'd always been around then when he died – that in itself had been quite the change.

Now that he had come back to life? That was a whole other story.

Y/N had been off with Victor, and the boy could tell. He didn't understand why they weren't talking to him as much and it made him upset.

After all, Y/N had cried into Victor's chest when they brought him back and now, suddenly, it was although he was invisible to them. The brunette tried so hard to bring it up, he tried so hard not to cry around them.

Although, when your best friend and the love of your life – in the same person – are being funny with you, you can't help but cry.

That's exactly what Victor was currently doing.

The tall boy sat on the end of Enoch's bed as he ranted to the boy in tears about how he was feeling.

Enoch listened the best he could, which was kind of hard to do due to the fact he was tinkering with his homunculi.

"Have you tried to talk to them about it?" Enoch sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"I have! I.. I just don't know how."

The latter grunted and set his tools down, standing up and pushing his chair back in under his desk.

He walked over to Victor and pulled him up, dragging him over to the door. Enoch dragged Victor all the way up until they were in front of
Y/N's room.

"Good luck, buddy."

Before Victor knew it, Enoch had knocked on Y/N's door and sprinted back down the hall into his own room.

The brunette grumbled, pausing for a moment when Y/N answered their door. Victor felt his breath get caught in his throat, every time he saw them was like his first time smelling the sweet scent of flowers all over again.

They were so elegant, even if not in the graceful way. Y/N always looked so ethereal to Victor.

If ever there was a story with them in it, in his perspective, they'd look so much more beautiful than what he could convey with his own words.

"H.. Hi," Victor cursed himself for stuttering.

"Hey Vic.. what's up?" Y/N smiled warmly, even if they were still processing their feelings about everything.

"Can we talk?" Victor choked out, his eyes teary.

Y/N frowned as they saw the state that the boy was in and invited him into their room, pushing him to sit on their bed.

"What's wrong?" Y/N asked their strong friend, a hand resting on his shoulder.

Victor sniffled, trying to hold back his tears. It felt nearly impossible though, because when he looked into Y/N's eyes all he saw was confusion and pity.

"Did I do something wrong?" Victor questioned, his voice as low as a whisper.

Y/N's brows furrowed as they held a perplexed look on their face. Why would Victor think that he did something wrong? They didn't understand.

"Of course not! You didn't do anything," they reassured the boy as they rubbed his shoulders.

"Then.. then why are you avoiding me? Why are you acting like I'm not here? You don't sit with me at dinner anymore, you don't come in my room to talk to me about things you enjoy.. I don't get it."

Y/N understood now. Yet, all the same, they did not. They didn't think they were avoiding him but when Victor told them those things, they realised they were.

"I'm sorry, Victor. I didn't do it on purpose," they chose their next words carefully "I just don't really know how to adjust to you being back is all."

Victor exhaled slightly, nodding his head.

"Well, just remember, I'm still me. I haven't changed so.. you don't need to be so weary around me. I know you still think it was your fault, but I'm not a piece of glass. You don't have to avoid me as if you'll break me."

Y/N took what Victor said in. He was exactly right. He wasn't glass, he could take care of himself. They were simply afraid that what happened would happen again.

It wasn't fair to Victor that they were avoiding him because of their insecurities.

It wasn't fair at all.

"I understand, Victor. Thanks for talking to me, I just.. it will be hard to get used to this again."

The tall boy could sympathise with them, he knew it would be weird for everyone to have him back. All he asked of them though, is to treat him the same.

"Will you read to me then?" the boy asked, a nervous smile on his pale face.

His friend looked a little surprised for a moment before sharing their own smile with him. They nodded their head gently, signalling for him to lay his head in their lap.

"What book then?" Y/N sighed in relief.

The boy thought for a moment. He could use a type of romance novel right about now.

"How about a romance one, where two friends realise they're devastatingly in love with eachother."

Y/N cocked a brow, maybe they'd do just a bit of teasing.

"Oh, you mean like us?" they chuckled.

Victor felt his whole face heat up, Y/N watched as they saw his usual pale complexion turn a bright pink color. Victor was confused, slightly embarrassed too.

"What do you mean? Don't say things like that to tease me, stupid! That's not funny!"

Victor covered his face with his hands, his eyes tearing up.

This is it, he thought, they've known all along and now they're going to make fun of me.

"Victor?" Y/N called, their voice soft.

The boy removed his hands from his face and stared into Y/N's eyes as they looked down at him.

"Yes, Y/N?" he asked, confused.

"I love you."

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | VICTOR BRUNTLEY ✔️Where stories live. Discover now