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✎↷: —— ❤︎ ˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚

harry styles

The brunette looked into Y/N's eyes, his own widened in shock.

The boy's cheeks were flushed pink and he was shaking slightly. Y/N was concerned and thought that they had scared him. They were starting to regret saying that now.

"Wha.. What did you say?" Victor queried, his voice shaking slightly due to nerves. Surely he had misheard them?

"I said that I love you, Victor Bruntley."

As he had previously done, the tall boy buried his face into his hands in embarrassment and mumbled out an incoherent reply to the other teen.

"What was that?" they asked, their tone indicating that they were slightly teasing him.

"I love you too!" Victor shouted back, his head finding its way against Y/N's torso as they lay back slightly.

Y/N smiled gently, their eyes creasing from the authenticity it held.

The slightly younger adolescent ran their fingers through Victor's hair, rubbing his back gently in what would seem to be reassurance.

"You don't have to be so embarrassed, you know" Y/N told him, "it's just as flustering for me but you don't see me rolling into your stomach like it's my last day on Earth."

The brunette grumbled something under his breath and adjusted his body so that he was facing Y/N.

The stopwatch peculiar felt their oxygen being taken away from them as it always had been when they looked at Victor. He was simply that breathtaking.

"Would it be weird for me to call you pretty?" Y/N had asked the boy, a genuine question.

"I don't think so. Pretty can mean different things, and besides I think it suits both masculinity and femininity just fine."

Y/N pondered over this. Victor was so smart in so many ways, knowing the meaning of true beauty being one of them.

"You know," Y/N smiled warmly "I think that being as strong as ten men may have given you the heart of ten as well."

Victor chuckled, his chest rumbling with the melodic sound that left his throat.

"Maybe you're right – or maybe I just understand that men can be feminine too. However, I don't think having a big heart is associated with femininity at all. I think it simply means you're a good person. A softie, if you will."

Y/N gently smacked him in the arm at the last thing he said, finding his joke quite terrible – yet they loved him all the same.

"You're a dork," Y/N informed the boy with a roll of their eyes.

"Perhaps, but you love this dork so don't go feeling bad for yourself."

The both of them shared a laugh at that, Victor tearing up from laughing so hard. Y/N missed these moments, they were so glad that they could experience them again.

If only they had gotten to experience them sooner.

They were okay with it though, they were okay with having to wait so long to have such intimate moments with the boy again.

Maybe if they hadn't encouraged Victor to leave, if they hadn't promised they'd go with him – everything would've turned out okay.

Perhaps they could've even grown a little older, seen a little more of the world.

If they ended up leaving, that is.

However, they didn't; because they didn't get that far. Thinking back on it, Y/N was glad that they had gotten the chance to experience what they did. It made them realise that they could never lose Victor, they wouldn't allow it.

Before then, they hadn't realised how much he meant to them. They hadn't realised how much they loved him.

If he never died, they probably never would've realised their true feelings for him.

"Victor.. I uh, I just want you to know that.." Y/N paused wondering if they should go on, "you can't leave me, okay? In return I'll promise that I will never leave you."

The brunette hummed. "How can you promise such a thing?" he asked them.

"For the same reason I wanted to leave with you in the first place; the love I have for you is so strong that my heart can't hold onto it on its own. I need you, Victor Bruntley. That'll never change."

The tall boy sat up on Y/N's bed next to them, holding a hand to their jaw. He leant inwards and gazed into their eyes lovingly.

"I need you too."

Victor closed the space between them, Y/N's eyes widening as they felt the feather-soft touch of his lips on theirs.

Before long they had closed their own eyes, melting into the kiss.

It was soft and sweet, full of love. Nothing more than a short, innocent kiss; yet it held more meaning than anything else they had shared together.

It was as if the whole world stopped, just to make time for them and them alone.

"We'll grow up someday.." Victor told Y/N as they pulled away from eachother, his hand still on their cheek, "and when we do, I'm going to marry you."

"At midnight?" Y/N whispered, a smile on their face.

"Only at midnight."

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