Chapter 5: Shopping Trip

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To start off the new week, Pein has decided to send you and Hidan to go shopping for some supplies and groceries. It's not something that you wouldn't do, but would rather go with someone else besides your master. You could imagine it. He'll try to sacrifice chickens, get pissed at everyone, and brag about him being in the Akatsuki. But with your brilliant mind, you made him wear "normal" clothing. Although, he's shirtless and in pants, but it's the best you could do. And as for you, you were forced to keep wearing you Maid uniform without the apron.

You look at the list that was given to you and say, "We need to get shurikan, scrolls, and I'll handle the groceries."

"Whatever," he replied. He was in a bad mood. After all, it was morning and he doesn't do these sorts of things.

You arrive at a weapon store full of multiple cultured weapons. You spot the shurikan section and pull Hidan in the direction. We got the amount needed and went to the front desk.

The cashier looked at your uniform and rung up your purchase. He smiles and said, "That will be 5,000 yen," you hand him the money, " he puts the money in the cash register. Then he holds out a bag. When you grabbed on, he pulled. He whispered in your ear, "Are you naughty?"

Before you could respond, Hidan punched him so hard, he went through the wall. You grab his hand and run.

"I should've killed that b******!" Hidan yelled. You ignored him.

The next stop was easy. It only took a few seconds to get a couple of scrolls from a sweet old man. Then you went to town to buy some groceries.

Hidan was very bored while you enjoyed yourself while searching for the food you need. You didn't really care why Hidan was getting so mad, but you were a little curious. You decided not to ask and to just stay on task.

Hidan glared at multiple men that were secretly staring at you. It was getting very annoying for him so he stared glaring at them. Half backed off, but the other half were too busy looking at you. He was too busy looking at the men that you had walked off farther then he expected. It was then that he noticed a couple of stalkers slowly creeping closer to you. He ran up to them and heard one say, "Mm, what a fine one. Cosplaying as a Maid, and hot! Can't wait to have a little fun with her!"

You were in the process of purchasing a watermelon when you heard Hidan yelling.

Oh s***! He's gonna get to authorities running over here!

You see him holding two men being held by the collar of the shirt. And the one holding them in the air was Hidan.

"Whatcha say you were going to do motherf***ers!?" He yelled.

You quickly purchase the watermelon and run up to him.

"What the hell are ya doing man w****?" you yelled at him.

"What are you yelling at me for!? These guys were—"

"No excuses!"

You two were in a full out arguement. He called you a b**** many times and told you how he can't wait to use you as a sacrifice. You continued to tell him how his sacrifices were worthless and that you felt bad for his precious Jashin.

The two stalkers took the chance to run off.

"B******s, don't run off!" Hidan screamed. You took the watermelon and hit him right on the head. Coincidentally, it got stuck on his head.

You would of  Took the time laughing at him while he struggled to get it off, but you heard whistles. Behind you was a group of authorities. Having no choice, you pull the blind, watermelon covered Hidan. Forgetting the groceries,  run back to the base.

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