You Decide!

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I'll be honest, I dont really know what to write for chapters. I ended up leaving this fanfic for quite a long time to focus on life in general. Within the past year, I quit my job that I had since graduating high school and moved far away and got a much better job, but now takes up a lot of my time within the week. So, undeniably, the free time that I get (usually only one day a week) I am tired and have to deal with household chores and grocery shopping. I am trying to make time to continue with this fanfiction but I also want to focus on a more serious book that I want to write up and hopefully publish. I just created a journal to be printed and sent to me that will help organize my story. I may even have it available to others if the proof copy I receive turns out good. Anyways, back to my main point to creating this: what chapters would you like to see? If you have questions about whatever I posted from the above, you are free to ask away. I would also like thank everyone who has still stuck around to this story despite my lack of activity. I truly am grateful to you all. As for when I may post another chapter, I dont know. I am on a 13 day work streak and i hope that they don't try to call me in on my only day off this week which isn't till Friday. Thank you, and I look forward to your ideas and any questions you may have for me!

Extra: photo of my youngest cat "Princess Layla" because, ya know, she's cute af and need to share with everyone.

Extra: photo of my youngest cat "Princess Layla" because, ya know, she's cute af and need to share with everyone

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Akatsuki Maid (akatsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now