When He's Drunk

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You have to admit, you've seen Hidan drink quite a bit of sake before, but never to the amount that you see laying on the floor. Multiple sake bottles are scattered everywhere, lying all around your drunk master. Not only that, but even Jashin was stumbling as she tried to walk to you. Jashin ended up falling and never getting back up as the alcohol knocked her out.

How the actual f*** could the chicken get drunk!?

You stomp up to Hidan and lift him up by the collar. You were starting to get really pissed as Hidan just looked at you, grins, and starts laughing uncontrollably.

"(Y/n)~ I *hick* missed you~" Hidan proclaims as he puckers up his lips and tries to kiss you. You push him away, but was taken back as you were suddenly pinned to the ground, "*Hick* (y/n) quit bein' Stobburn and let mey hurv a teste."

"Get off me b******!" You try to get to get him off but with no success. His lips were inching closer and closer. You tightly close your eyes, waiting for your lips to get violated.

It became silent, Hidan quit moving, and there was a snore. You opened your eyes to see Hidan asleep on top of you.

"You..." you lift him up and threw him across the room, "STUPID DRUNK!"

You stomp off and waited for both Hidan and Jashin to sober up. Turns out that Hidan got drunk, Jashin started annoying him, and so Hidan forced Jashin to have sake. So in the end, Jashin was the victim.


You were in a very bad situation. Deidara was drunk as could be after accidentally mistaking the sake in the fridge as milk. He definitely doesn't know how to hold his liquor. But despite all that, you were about to be stripped. Yes, that's right. You're going to be stripped...by Deidara. His reasoning? He needs you to pose for a sculpture. At first, it was fine. But as you notice him starting to struggle, you asked what was wrong.

Deidara stared at you intently, "Strip..."

"Huh?" You tilted your head in confusion.

"Strip or else I can't sculpt your naked body!"


You tried to run, but with no success. Deidara quickly grabbed onto you.

Declaration grins wildly, "you're not getting away Mona Lisa!"

He pins you down with one hand and went to reach down to undo your clothing. There was only one thing left to do. Knee him in the balls. And that is exactly what you did. As he fell to the floor as he grips his crotch, you took the chance to get up and move back. You noticed him stop wriggling.

The room became silent and then there was a snore.

Did he seriously fall asleep!?

You sigh and left Deidara alone to sober up and hope he doesn't remember anything.


You've waited hours for your master to come back. He decided to go out with hidan to drink at a bar, but they still haven't returned. You were about to leave to figure out what to do until the bedroom door finally slammed open.

Standing at the doorway was a wasted Kisame. He held a vodka bottle in his hand. He seemed to be depressed. But when he looked up at you, his face turned evil. His grin seemed to be more sinister.

"F***, I've missed my sexy maid," he shuts and locks the door behind him, "You make me so f***ing horny. I wanna eat ya!"

"W-w-wait a..." you shriek as Kisame tackled you onto the bed. Before you knew it, you were stripped down to your brain and underwear. You whimpered as you desperately tried to cover your body.

Akatsuki Maid (akatsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now