Guess whose back???

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Yes, I have returned. To start off I would like everyone to know that for the next chapter, I will be doing seperate parts for each character due to the fact that the parts will be quite long. So I ask of my readers to be patient as I complete each one until I can continue to the next chapter. 

NEXT! I hope you will forgive me and understand that sometime life sucks and won't let you do things. I will be honest, I did not put this story as my top priority. BECAUSE! I am an adult that is on her own, going to college, and working all the fricken time. Unfortunately, I don't get to enjoy free time to myself as much anymore. Yes, I've had times where I could do anything and relax BUT I also have other things that I would like to do besides this story. Especially now that I live with my boyfriend happily, I like to spend quite a bit of my time with him while I can. 

Thank you all for your patience and hope you enjoy all the things up ahead!



Akatsuki Maid (akatsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now