Chapter 6: Accidental Peck

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Today was just like any other day. You cook and clean for Hidan, and argue over the stupidest things. It has become a routine for you. Your life has went from calm to stressful.

Finding food in Hidan's bed again, you go into a full rampage.

"Hidan!!!" You scream while stating through the hallways in search of the jashinist.

I've told him many times to quit eating in bed! Why is he so thick headed!?

Jashin decided to join as well. He hated Hidan with a passion, but loved you like a goddess. Why wouldn't he? You give him love and attention, but Hidan interrupts the alone time with his potty mouth letting out nonsense. Also, Hidan did try to sacrifice him. But then came you, the hero. Now he does what you do, but to the extreme.

You find the jashinist doing his ritual again. He chanted some random words that you couldn't understand and held a pig's liver in his hand.

Ignoring the grossness, you take in a deep breath, "YOU F***ING PIECE OF S***! HOW MANY F***ING TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL A PATHETIC DUMBA** LIKE YOU TO NOT LEAVE FOOD IN YOUR BED!?" Like a big gust of wind, your rise sent the Jashinist flying.

He stands up and looks back you, "Ya f***information b****! Watcha blabbing on about now!?"

You strut up to him, forehead touching his, "B******, I don't don't how much I can take till I use you for a sacrifice! At this point, I quit making you food!"

Hidan huffs and puffs out his chest, "You can't do that! I'm your master!"

"Ha! Yes I can, just you watch me!" You puff out your chest this time.

Jashin was bawking frantically in the background while you two occupied yourselves in a staring contest. Then he was silenced at the sight of something shiny. He walks over to a table and flaps his wings to get on top. He observed multiple round metal objects. Not knowing what it was, he begins to eat them.

"You piece of s***!" A devilish voice yells. Jashin looks up at a masked Akatsuki with red and green eyes, who his goddess has spoken of as "Kakazu". Kakazu trust to grab Jashin but fails. Kakazu drives but Jashin jumps to the edge of the table, and Kakazu lands on the other, sending the poor chicken flying through the air.

Hidan had enough of staring and takes out his scythe.

"B****, You're dead!" He screamed.

Taking a fighting stance, "Bring it!"

As Hidan charged toward you, a little chicken happened to of land at his freely at the right moment. Hidan loses grip on his scythe at the suddenness of falling forward, taking you down with him. But something wasn't right. He got something soft. Not when he landed but before. His lips hit something soft. He opens his eyes, and they go side. His lips were connected to yours.

He quickly disconnects the two of you. Your face is all red but Hidan didn't notice due to him looking away and in search of the chicken. And as expected, being chased by Kakazu.

"You..." Hidan looks down at your face. He Let's out a "Hm?". Facing him completely, veins pop out everywhere on your face, "piece...of...S***!!!" Taking your fist, you hit him square in the face. "Hentai!"

(A/n) in case you don't know, "Hentai" is translated as "pervert".

Hidan lands on the floor cursing as he covers his bloody face. You stand up and walked up to the immortal man and chicken. You punch Kakazu as well and pick up Jashin.

You ran to the room and locked the door. Jashin bawks in anger.

Why? Why why WHY!?

Your face is completely red.

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