When You See Him Naked

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You searched everywhere for your master, but with no luck. Even your small companion, Jashin, could not find him. You heard news of him returning from a mission so you went in search of him. He seems to have hidden from you. Whatever the reason is, you were not going to give up. Afterall, he left you a "gift" before he left. Out of the kindness of his heart, he left white juice on the toilet seat that you had to clean up. And to add to it, he left a note saying, "Lick it clean b****".

"God, he's disgusting!" You say to Jashin as the two of you walk down the hall, "Might as well go back to the room to take a break. Hidan can't hide forever."

You've reached the bedroom door. But as soon as you touch the door knob, you heard something quite interesting. 

"That shower felt nice!" said a voice that belonged to none other than Hidan himself.

Ohhh, he's in deep s*** now!

Gripping the door knob, a grin forms upon your face as a strange thrill fills your body. Anger has filled you up, and Jashin was ready like the runners in the Olympics at the starting line. You looked down at your comrad, and she looks back at you then nodded with an evil sparkle in her eyes. Taking in a deep breath, you slam the door open.

"HIDAN YOU BAS......" Your face went red and Jashin went into shock.

Standing only five feet away was a naked Hidan. The towel that dries him off? Laying on the floor. Which at this certain point, leaves him 100% clothes-free. Although you would normally turn away from such a scene, you were entranced by him. Water drips off the tip of his hair, his chiseled abs were quite mouthwatering, the muscles were toned nicely, and his member was huge.

Hiden saw you stare intently at him with your adorable face, and realized where your eyes were looking at, his dick. The natural male reaction kicks in so his unicorn stick went from limp to hard. That was when you were brought back to reality. You didn't know what to say, you were speechless. Hidan took this as a compliment and got even hornier. 

"(y/n) if you want it, just come get it," he spoke confidently. He then put his hands behind his back, "Lick it clean, b****." 

You went from speechless to pure demon mode.

"WATCHA SAY MOTHERF***ER!?" You scream and grabbed Jashin who has returned to her senses, "JASHIN DICK SACRAFICE!" Hidan gave a confused look as you pulled back Jashin, and then whipped her out of your hand. Your aim was precise as Jashin's beak stabbed Hidan's little friend at the tip.

You stormed off as Jashin began to attack Hidan's lower regions. You felt so strange. What you just saw should be disgusting, but it made your hormones act up. You ignored this wet feeling and continued to think of things besides your master. 


You just got the news that your master has returned from an important mission. It has been a week since you've seen him, and so you quickly went in search of your master. Surprisingly, you missed the artist and his explosions. The thought of him blowing up something made you giggle.  

As you were searching, you saw Sasori. 

"Hey, Sasori, where is Deidara?" Sasori looks at you with a glare and responds, "Hmph! You're lucky that I am not your master because I wouldn't let a slave call me by my name. Anyways, he's in your room." You thank him in fear and ran off. You whisper to yourself, "What a grump."

You finally made it to your room, and without hesitation, went right inside. You shut the door behind you, but when you turned back around, your eye caught a unholy sight. Your dear master was butt naked. He must of just gotten out of the shower because his hair was completely wet. Despite his feminine face, his body was quite delicious. His abs were chiseled perfectly, and his muscles just made you want to touch them. His cheeks were red just like yours and both of you were suffering from being unable to speak. You saw something twitch. And of course, curiosity kills the cat. You looked down at his little, actually big to be more precise, friend starting to get hard. You didn't know, but Deidara was getting hornier each second you looked at him. And what was the final blow? Seeing you stare at his member. The unicorn horn became full on hard. Your face became completely red and looked into his eyes. He looked into yours.

Akatsuki Maid (akatsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now