Chapter 8: Dirty Pick Up Lines

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You were laying around on the living room couch. You were wearing, not realizing it, provocative clothes. You couldn't help but have a lazy day. You three on whitw spandex shorts and a black, skull pattern crop top.

You felt a gaze burning onto your body for quote some time. It became unbareable. You let out a sigh and look at your master, Hidan.

You look at him, raised a brow, and spoke up, "Is there something you want, master?"

He chuckled, "I'm just loving..."

Curiosity got to you, "Loving what?"

"I'm loving every bone in your body...especially mine," he winked at you.

Your face went completely red, and you threw the nearest thing at him-a pillow. He laughed so hard as you walked off.

I knew he was a pervert, but I didn't expect him to say a pick up line...a dirty one especially!


It was hot inside the Akatsuki base so you ended up wearing white short shorts, and a yellow crop top. Your master was shirtless as he suffer err d the heat as well.

Deidara was having difficulty coming up with ideas. Heat has blocked his imagination. His eyes wandered in search of inspiration. Then his eyes landed on you. You've stared at him, watching his every move. What is a hostage to to but sit and look at the their capture.

As he stared at you, you became nervous. His gaze upon you was unsettling, but then he spoke up.

"Hey," he said and you replied with a "hm?", "I'm a starving artist and I want to eat you."

It was silent, but then you couldn't old it in any longer. You burst out laughing. You went up to him then patted his head.

"Master, becoming Zetsu won't solve your lack of imagination," you walk off to go get a drink.

Deidara sighed and mumbled to himself, "Either she is thick headed or too innocent to know what I meant..."


You and your master sat at the beach, gazing at the sun set. Such a beautiful sight. The yellow orb begins to hide at the Earth's edge. The sky is brilliantly painted with yellows, oranges, and pink. Then it blended in with the arising night sky glittered with stars.

You were so busy admiring it all that you didn't notice a pair of eyes set on you. Kisame watched the changing colors of the sky reflect on your (s/c) skin.

Finally, you turn your head and look at Kisame.

"What?" You said.

His gaze still laid on you. He chuckled, leaned in closer, and said, "I got the ship and you got the harbor. What to ya say we tie up for the night?"

"Sure!" You said as you stood up and stretched. Kisame was shocked and was about to say serving till you added, "I'm quite tired so I think after seeing such a beautiful sight, I can can sleep peacefully tonight," he look dumbfounded, "what?"

He quickly stood up and said, "N-Nothing! Lets go back to the base!"

He grabbed your hand and began to lead you back to the base. You shrugged your shoulders and yawned.


Your face was red as could be as you sat next to Itachi in a large T-shirt. Your clothes we're all dirty due to them somehow falling out the window and into the mud outside. So in order to have clean clothes, Itachi gave you one of his t-shirts to wear.

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