Chapter 3: First Day Part 2

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You sat on an old couch bored to death. The whole day so far was doing stupid tasks given to you by your "master" just to piss you off. But the odd part of all of them was buying a chicken. It was very suspicious. Feeling a little bit annoyed about why he wouldn't tell you his reason, you decided to spy on him. You got used to the continuous cursing coming from his loud mouth.

Staring at his door you thought, I wonder if he got the chicken so it will lay eggs for breakfast. You laugh softly at the thought. But even so, you can definetly imagine him getting a chicken just for that purpose.

Breaking off your thoughts, chanting came from the room and a chicken bawking. You couldn't resist and quietly entered the room without Hidan noticing. His skin changed from normal to black and white with the design of a skeleton. He had the chicken held down in the center of the room. You already thought he was a moron, but now you thought he was crazy.

Wait, he's an Akatsuki so of course he is crazy.

You were about to leave the room when you heard his next chanting, "Oh, great and powerful jashin," who the hell is Jashin, "I bring you a sacrafice today. A chicken I offer you!" He began to raise a knife in the air prepaeing to "sacrafice" the chicken.

Immediately, you turn around and run to him, hitting him in the head.

He dropped the knife and released the chicken as he gripped his head.

"What the f***! What the hell was that for b****!? You dare interrupt a sacrafice to Jashin!?" He yelled gettup in your face. Believing you would wimper in fear, he did not expect a death glare from you. His body twitched but grinned despise the shock. "What?"

"Dont go sacraficing a chicken to Jashin! I didn't go xapture a chicken just for you to kill it!" You pick up the chicken and begin to pet it. It bawked to show his gratitude.

"Why not!?" He went to protest but your hand held up notifying him to stop made him shut up.

"I don't care about this Jashin guy, but if you wanted to give him a sacrafice. Make sure its worthy of a god. Anyone could sacrafice a chicken! Go find a lion or something of that rank to sacrafice! Or do you not care too much about your precious Jashin?" You grin wildly as you see him get angry.

"I will! And just you wait b****!!! You will be sacrafixed too someday!" He storms off in a tantrum giving you time alone.

Seems I have the rest of the day off.  Looking down at the chicken you say, "I'll call you Jashin sense you were about to be sacraficed to him. It's not the best but it will do for now. Is that okay?" He bawked in agreement.


You watched Deidara do his "art" and helped gather things that he needed. It was really peaceful. Even with strange sculptures surrounding you, it was nice to sit back and relax.

Deidara looks at you and says, "Hand me the knife" he held out his hand revealing one of his extra mouth's. No matter what, I will alwats find that creepy! You hand him the knife and continue watching, getting lost in thought.

I wonder...does his hands ever make out with each other? You think about it and you shiver. Or does he make out with them? You shiver more this time causing Deidara to notice.

"What's wrong un?" He asked puting down his tools and turning his body to face you.

You say, "No, I just suddenly felt cold!" It was half true half false. Even though the shivers were caused by devious thoughts, it was pretty chilly in the room...and being in a dress did not help!

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