Chapter 2: First Day part 1

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(A/n) sorry it took me so long! Internet was down for a while and Christmas break came up and enjoyed the days out of school. Anyways...hope you enjoy and this time I'll try to update faster but it all depends since I'm a junior in high-school. ACT is a pain in the butt to study for. Comment or inbox me on how Well I am doing right now, and if you have any requests in the future of this fanfiction, let me know and I'll for my best to incorporate it into the story! Thank you for reading and I'll stop blabbering now...enjoy!!!!


You woke up on a cold hard floor. Your mind is filled with confusion. Where am I? The memories of yesterday then came back. Damn, forgot about that! And that bastard... Turning one-hundred and eighty degrees, you see the white haired man called "Hidan" sleeping and snoring with his mouth open. Thinking of the situation, you took the chance to exit the room.

You went through the maze of hallways and somehow managed to make it to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, the shelves were basically empty. Half carton of expired milk, moldy cheese, and sake. How do they eat!?

You suddenly hear a yawn behind you with a grumble added to it. So instinctly you turn around to see your "master". But what got your attention the most was the fact that he was half-naked.

"Ah!" You shriek. He jumps in surprise and says, "What!?"

You took a piece if moldy cheese and throw it at him, hitting him square in the face.

"What the hell! Is that anyway to treat your master!" He yells as he clenched his hands into fists.

"Yeah! Especially when you're walking around half naked!" You through another piece of cheese at him, "Go put some cloths on!"

He avoids the cheese being thrown at him as he runs off. Ten minutes later, he returns fully dressed in his uniform. A vein popping out at the side of his forehead. He sits at the table and glares at you.

You notice it and said in defense, "Don't blame me! You're the one who decided to walk out half baked in front of a woman!"

"Whatever! I always walk like that around here!" He snorts and changes the subject, "Feed me! Your master is hungry!"

"I can't! There isn't any damn food in this house unless you want some expired milk and moldy cheese that is laying on the floor!" You yell this as the rest of the akatsuki enter the kitchen. Sparks of anger flicker between both you and Hiden's glare.

"Enough!" The leader speaks, "I'll have someone go get ingredients. You write then down, and Hidan," Hidan looks at him annoyed, "have you picked what uniform you want (y/n) to wear?"

A big grin forms as he looks at you, "yes I have sir!" Suddenly he takes out a maid outfit.

It is a tradition maid gown, but it obviously had been designed for Hidan's filthy mind. It was strapless, so short that if you bend down too far your underwear would show, a size too small, black, and a white apron with a red cloud in the center. Then there was the black flats with lack tights beside then.

When you were about to protest, Hidan spoke up, "Silence! You must do as your master says! Now go get changed!" He silently laughed to himself as you got changed into your uniform.


You woke up on a thin mattress. It wasn't the most comfortable but it was better than sleeping on nothing. You look over to see your master's bed empty. Hm, I wonder where he is?

You look down to see a maid uniform and a note beside it. You read the note:

This is the uniform I picked out for you to wear. Pein says it is required.

Akatsuki Maid (akatsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now