Chapter 2: nervs

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Esme's POV
I got dressed into my light blue tutu,a pair of tights and a t-shirt that had the words "let it go" on in light blue sequins. By the time I had got ready it was 7:30 and time for breakfast. I went down to the battle field that is the dining room and poured myself a bowl of corn flakes. I was going to put my empty bowl in the sink when the head care worker Sally came in.
"Oh Esme??" She called when she saw me by the sink.
" Yes Sally," I replied.
" Can you be ready to come into the quiet room at 10:30 please. That's when Anna and Jonathan are coming."
Yes only 2 and a half hours until I get to meet them.

Anna's POV
"Hurry up Jonathan!" I shouted from the car. It was already 10:15 and it takes at least 20 minutes to get to the adoption home. We were going to be late. We left Emilia and Eduardo in the cape able hands of Natasha and then hurried of down the road.

Jonathan's POV
I turned to look at Anna as we parked up in the adoption home car park. She looked so nervous even though I had reminded her so many times on the way that little Esme would love her to bits.
"It will be fine!" I said to her." Are you ready?"
She nodded in response.

Esme's POV
I heard the front door open and then shut, my adoptive parents are finally here! They were a 10 minutes late but who cares, I finally got to meet possible parents.

Adopted by the SACCONEJOLYs #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now