Chapter ten: Happy birthday Emilia!

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Emilia's POV

" Happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Emilia, happy birthday to you!" Sang my family ( well all apart from Eduardo who hummed the tune) as I started to wake up. I opened my eyes to my dad filming me and mummy, Eduardo, and Esme sat on Esmes bed holding presents ready to give me them. I opened them all quickly, I got a lot of frozen stuff including Elsa and Anna dresses and I also got a new Minnie Mouse teddies which dad told me had my name on.

Anna's POV

Once Emilia had opened her presents we got dressed quickly and went downstairs for breakfast. I dressed Emilia in her Anna dress as we were going to Disney world and Esme wore her Elsa dress so they both matched ( cuteness overload!!!) and then the both put on tights and their ugg boots. Eduardo also had to be dressed in the Disney theme so he wore his vintage Micky top, blue skinny jeans and his timberland boots. We let Emilia choose her breakfast so she chose pancakes with ice cream and strawberry and a cup of milk. Esme chose cornflakes with milk and a banana. Jonathan chose Eduardo's meal so he had mandarins,porridge and water, I had my usual porridge and Jonathan had a coffee ( of course) and a breakfast burrito. Once we had finished breakfast we got in a taxi which took us to Disney world!


Hey! I will upload again over the next few days. I will do a whole chapter or two about their trip to Disney world

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