deep Q and A

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Who is your favourite YouTuber and why?~ MadisonPika
Ermmmm, I have literally no idea who to pick, there are so many! I love ThatcherJoe, Jim chapman, and Troye Sivan but I would have to say that the SACCONEJOLYs are my favourite because they never fail to put a smile on my face and if they didn't do what they do I honestly don't think I would be here today! It's really hard to put into words how much they mean to me! I know that EVERYONE says that but I literally can't explain how much they have done for me. When all I want to do was crawl up into a ball and die I spend hours watching the sacconejolys and it honestly makes me feel so much better about myself! Emilia's little smile makes my day, Eduardo's giggle just makes me want to cry with cuteness and Anna and Jonathan are such great role models, they are so inspiring and the amount that they have been through is crazy and I look up to them so much it's unbelievable! I just love them so much and I know they are NEVER gonna read this but they honestly make my day and I don't know what I would do whithout them in my life!

Who are your 3 wattpad BFFS and why?~ slushyrocks
My 2 Wattpad BFFS are Youtube_addicted6 and slushyrocks . Youtube_addicted6 is just really nice and funny and she has the same interests as me so we get along really well! Plus she thinks I have a good sense of humour! slushyrocks is just amazing, a therapist, super sassy and has great comebacks! ( I have used them BTW!!) Love you guys!!

Who is your lease favourite youtuber?~ _Unicorns_And_Stuff_
Errrr, I don't like Fun For Louis. I think he's a bit too cocky and I don't really like his style of videos.

Favourite sport?~ _Unicorns_And_Stuff_
I don't have a favourite! If I'm honest I don't do sport and I HATE PE with a passion but I did enjoy doing cheerleading last year.

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