Chapter twelve: fan presents

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Jonathans POV

We got stopped by A LOT of people! Esme was quite nervous around the first few people but she soon saw that they weren't going to hurt her and we were there to protect her. Emilia and Eduardo loved it as they were being given so many presents and Emilia was being wished happy birthday from everyone. It was so cute seeing her smile every time someone gave her some form of Disney toy.

One of the best things that all of us were given was by a girl named Natasha, she gave each of us a bracelet that had special things on each one. Anna had a silver charm bracelet that had Jonathan joly, Esme Autumn sacconejoly, Emilia Tommasina Sacconejoly and Eduardo Jonathan Sacconejoly written on four little love hearts and on the opposite side of each heart it had everyone's date of birth. Emilia got given a bracelet with little angels on and Esme got hers like mine but whith my name and date of birth instead of hers. Eduardo and I got steal bracelets with our first name engraved in the top. They were honestly gorgeus

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