Chapter 6- Whats My Name!

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Chapter 6

 I was currently sitting nervously in a room full of important people whom I guessed to be executive producers and lots of other people who I assumed were also important. Sitting amongst all these people was making me claustrophobic, and I wasn't even claustrophobic. I felt as though I couldn't breathe, my palms were sweating and I had to constantly keep wiping them on my trousers. Everyone around me was staring at me like a hawk, which didn't help my nervousness at all.

Keep breathing, I kept on telling myself because I felt for a moment that I forgot how to breathe. This was it. Doomsday. Okay, it wasn't as bad as that. Whatever happened today, would determine my life forever. I felt like one of those contestants on those reality shows where they audition and that yes or no could change their life forever. It was like that but instead of a judge my life was now in the hands of Harry Williams.

"Let’s start this meeting, shall we!" Harry's voice booms causing everyone's attention to focus on him rather than me. I felt as if I could breathe again. "Now, we all know why we're here" and just like that everyone's attention went back to me. Great.

Over the past week, I had gotten used to the idea of acting. I was undecided as to where I was heading in life but this could be a step in the right direction. I could see a potential in acting.

Harry continued, oblivious to my discomfort. "We don't have the time or money to hire a new actress for the lead role in this movie" his eyes turned to me "Aileen, we've been watching you this past week and we've thought long and hard about this. We've all come to a decision"

This was it. This was the moment I had been waiting for all week. Since we had a week's holiday off school, I had been rehearsing the script with Danny, with him giving me advice along the way on how to improve my acting- although it wasn't certain that I would get the part, we still practiced anyway.

"You have definitely improved with your acting skills and I can see potential in you. I've never taken someone with little experience into a big movie production of mine and this is a huge risk"

My shoulders sagged. Of course he didn't want me. Someone that was already a huge star should get this part. I was deep in thought, upset that I might not get to stay here, that I almost missed what Harry said next.

"But you’re a risk I'm willing to take. Aileen, we would like you to take the part of the lead role for this movie"

I was stunned, shocked into silence. All week Danny had been supporting me, saying I would get the part but I always doubted him. Even now, sitting, waiting for his verdict, I still doubted myself. Never in a million years did I think I would ever be in a movie, never mind one being directed by Harry Williams. This was unbelievable.

The whole room erupted into applause. I felt a little embarrassed then. What was I supposed to do? All I could muster was a weak little" thanks" and offered them a smile. They were, after all, also responsible for all this.

During the applause, Harry leaned in closer to my ear and whispered "Remember this moment kid because your life is about to change"

And I did. I took in everyone's happy faces, clapping; I took in the lady at the end of the desk with a clipboard, her head down, scribbling down notes, probably taking down minutes. And I took in Harry's face looking proud and probably relieved that he doesn't have to find someone else. I will remember feeling over the moon, finally knowing what I wanted to do with my life, I'll remember feeling elated and that feeling that I was so happy that I was about to burst. This was a moment I would definitely not forget.

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