Chapter 19 - Dancing in the Rain

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Chapter 19

The week Danny had been here had been amazing. It felt so good to see him again. Most of the time he was busy taking phone calls and replying to emails and things like that meaning that we didn’t go out much, so for most of the week we were hauled up in his hotel room- that smelled of cheesy Doritos because that was what we had been snacking on most of the time-catching up with each other as if we hadn’t seen each other in twenty years and lazing about watching movies.

Obviously the paparazzi were out in full force, still monitoring what felt like my every move. With Danny staying here in England for a while, they knew we were bound to meet up so the press were having a field day with this. Lots of absurd stories were cropping up about us, now more than ever since the reporters wouldn’t stop hounding me about Kason and I’s breakup.

It had been a while and ever since the news broke out the news stories all seemed to relish in making up stories about the reasons behind our break up. Danny was there to comfort me but I really didn’t need comforting, I was okay with it. We both ended the relationship amicably, agreeing that it was getting difficult with the long distance. I still called him every now and then, asking how his tour was going and how the rest of the band was.

There were times that I missed him but then I realised we were better of as friends. If I was ever to date again, I would make sure it was with someone close by. No more long distance relationships.

Tonight was different from our usual being hauled up in the hotel room routine. After persuading Danny to take one night off from doing his usual Hollywood stuff, he grudgingly agreed to and now we were out for dinner.

“She asked you to sign her what?” I almost chocked out my dinner at how much I was laughing.

“I know right. Totally unbelievable” Danny replied, laughing so hard himself his cheeks had started to tinge a pink colour.

“And did you sign it?” I asked through bouts of laughter.

“Well you know me, I’m never one to disappoint my fans” he smirked.

“Oh my goodness Danny, I can’t believe you did that”

We were sitting in a booth at the back of the restaurant where we wouldn’t be seen. Getting into the restaurant was a nightmare as the paparazzi were surrounding us as we got in. Turning my head around to look at the entrance I could still see them there, probably waiting to take more pictures of us when we left.

I took a sip of water to calm myself down, feeling the water cool my parched throat relax my face that had heated up during the laughter.

Danny still had a huge smile on his face but had also seemed to have calmed down. “So, are you ready for the press tour?”

I grimaced, suddenly remembering the reason Danny was here in the first place. “What should I expect when doing a press tour?” I asked.

“You’re just answering questions about the movie. Simple stuff” he shrugged as if it was nothing. “This is just to get some extra attention to the movie. However, this press tour will be a little shorter than normal press tours to accommodate our schedules since we have our new movie to do soon”.

I nodded, taking all this new information in. “Are you excited for it?”

He nodded. “Yeah, it’s going to be fun. Especially since we’ll get to hang out more”.

“Like we haven’t had enough of each other this week”. I laughed. We continued chatting and eating our food until we were finished.

“It's raining outside” Danny pointed. I looked behind me out the window to see that it was pouring down.

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