Chapter 2- Heartrob Mr Danny Thomas

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Hey. Just wanted to say a big Thank You so hp39story for giving me such great advice and feedback on this story.I am so grateful for all the feedback she has given me and taking her time out to do so. So thanks again. And also she is a Taylor Swift fan just like me so that also deseves a dedication. haha!


Chapter 2

I found out that a runner is someone that basically has to literally run around on a film set taking peoples orders and most importantly make tea and bring people coffee. Doesn’t sound like much fun to me but a job is a job, at least I will be earning some money out of it.

I called the number that I got from the poster as soon as I got home from school that day and the nice lady, Holly I think her name was, explained what the job involved and everything that I needed to know. It turns out that there is some film being shoot here in our little town but she did not tell me more than that because they were trying to keep it quiet. The next weekend I had an interview with Holly about the job. I was quite nervous seeing as it was my first interview but I think it went alright. I was able to answer all the questions easily and it helped that Holly was a really friendly person. She said she would let me know if I got the job soon, so I have been constantly been checking my phone.

I was so glad when the weekend approached; it had been a hectic week. We had our mock exams and I had been studying constantly for that so I was glad to relax now that they were finally over.

Just as I was about to start reading a book my phone rang. I groaned as I was enjoying what I was reading so far. I answered it without looking at the caller ID. As I was about to say hello, I was instead greeted with an “aaaagggghhhhhh” and from that I instantly knew it was Kirstin. I held the phone away from my ear, she was seriously going to do some damage to my eardrums. Before I could ask her why she was screaming she shouted down the phone “GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHAT?” I could imagine her bouncing up and down while saying this, it would be the kind of thing that she would do.

“Well, hello to you too Kirstin!” I replied casually as if she hadn’t just been screaming down my ear.

“Oh, skip the pleasantries; you will never guess what happened”. Wow, rude much.

“Ok, what happened?”

“No, you have to guess”

“Okay. Erm...”

“You’re taking too long” Kirstin cut me off. I had not even had the chance to think and yet she just cut me off but I was glad because I wanted to find what she was going to tell me, it sounded important. “Remember that competition that I entered to win tickets to the premier of Danny Thomson’s new film?” If anyone was to ask me who Danny Thomson’s biggest fan was, then I would have to say, Kirstin. She was just obsessed with him, she has posters covering every part of her walls with pictures of him and has seen every one of his films and has even started an online fan club for him. I think it’s safe to say she was beyond crazy.

“Yeah, I think so” I vaguely remember her telling me about some competition but I probably blanked out as soon as she mentioned Danny Thomson’s name.

“Weeelllllll” she dragged on. She is such a drama queen. “I WON! I WON! I WON!” she screamed.

“No way. Congrats Kirsty” I say genuinely pleased for her. She has always wanted to meet Danny in person and tell him how much she loves him. I would definitely love to see how that would turn out.

“I know. So here’s the best part. I won two tickets so you’re coming with me, so you better pack your bags 'cause we are going to London baby. Wooohooo!” I had to laugh at that; she could be so funny when she was super excited about something.

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