Chapter 8- Crash Course In Hollywood

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Chapter 8


"It's an honour to be working with such an awesome director. He's amazing and I can't wait to see what he has in store for us" I heard Kason, the lead singer of the group, Peridot, say to the interviewer.
The band were currently sat on a couch in a room being interviewed for a magazine while I stood outside the door-not stalking them or anything- trying to listen to what they were saying.
"So Kason, there is a rumour going about that you are romantically linked with the actress Maria Martin, is there any truth in that?" the interviewer asked.
From the gap of the door I thought I could see Kason blush. I wasn't too sure; it was hard to see through the small gap. I could see the rest of the boys jeer at Kason and laughing probably at some inside joke.
"That is not true" he said as calmly as he could but I could see it was quite hard when the boys were playfully taunting him.
It was quite a funny scene that I found myself laughing silently along with them. They seemed like a real close knit group- they were best friends after all. They all grew up together and because of their love of music decided to start a band.

 "Are you sure? Because there have been pictures of you two together" the interviewer pressed on.
"We have been out a couple of times but we are just friends"
I rolled my eyes. Typical response from someone like him. He was known for his womanising ways. I don’t know why but in a way, I was kind of relieved that he wasn't in anyway romantically linked to Maria. Maybe because I didn't think anyone could handle her. And to the people who could- well good luck to them.
Moving away from Kason and his love life, the interviewer continued. "You just got back from your first world tour, so I guess it was your first time having to be around each other for such a long period of time"
"Yeah" Chase, another member of the band, answered. "It took a while to get used to but we had a laugh. Lots of memories were made, right guys?"
All the guys laughed, probably remembering all the memories that Chase was referring to.
"What were the worst things you had to put up with? What were everyone’s bad habits that you had to endure while on tour?"
"Haha, that rhymes" one of the members mumbled. I couldn't see who it was since the gap of the door could only allow me to see two out of the four members of the band.
"Well, Olly does have a pretty nasty habit" Chase started off. "On the tour bus he would constantly bite his toenails"
Some of the boys groaned in disgust while the others laughed at him and I could see the interviewer grimace also.
"What?" Olly defended. I couldn’t see his reaction to that comment. "Only before a show. How do you think we do so well in our shows? It's my pre-show ritual" he shrugs.
"Yeah, a real nasty one" the interviewer mumbled.
Once the laughter and the jokes about Olly and his toenails had died down Kason continued to answer the question.
"There was this one time when we were on stage and there was suddenly this awful smell"
Someone groaned as the rest of the guys laughed.
"It turned out that Aaron had let one go. We could tell it was him as his face went bright red and at one point the drummer stopped drumming to cough. It was the most hilarious thing ever" the boys came out in a rapturous laughter.
"I thought we were never going to speak of that again" I guessed it was Aaron who had said that, since I couldn’t see him.
I found that story pretty hilarious myself, that I found myself laughing along with them until I was laughing so hard that I tumbled into the room. The door flung open and I grasped onto the wall before I stumbled to the ground, not expecting the door to open.
The boys all stopped laughing immediately and turned their attention to me, I was sure I could feel my face turn red. This was so embarrassing.
"I think I've got everything I need for the interview. Thanks boys" the interviewer stood up and left but not before glowering as she passed by me.
The room was silent. Why did this have to happen to me?
"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay" interrupted Kason.
I wasn't listening to him, I continued to babble on. I was such a nervous wreck that I was saying anything for them to understand that this was an accident.
"I was just passing by and-"
"Calm down" Kason laughed. "It’s alright. We were finished with the interview anyway"
At this point all the boys were looking at me with smirks on their faces with amused expressions.
"Oh, okay" I mentally scolded myself. Was that the only thing that would come out of my mouth? Of course. It just had to happen when I was in the presence of four amazingly gorgeous guys.
Kason chuckled. "You’re Lena, right?"
All I could do was nod. My mind hadn't comprehended that Kason Rayes was talking to me.
"I'm Kason. And these are my friends Chase, Aaron and Olly" one by one they all smiled and nodded their head as they were being introduced.
I, of course, being a huge fan of Peridot already knew their names, so they didn't need any sort of introduction, but I wouldn't tell them that. I didn’t want to seem like a crazed fan on my first encounter with them. I needed to make a good first impression.
Kason took out his hand for me to shake and I took it without any hesitation. "I'm Lena" I said in a daze, still not believing that I was in the same room as Peridot.
"We know" Kason chuckled. I stared into his deep blue eyes as I still grasped his hand. That was until Olly had interrupted our moment. If you could call it that.
"Were you waiting outside the door or something?" Olly asked.
I let go of Kason's hand and started to panic. I couldn't tell them that I was listening in to their interview- which I so happened to hear as I was passing through the corridor- that would make me seem weird.
"Erm... No. I was walking through the corridor when...I..." I stalled, trying to think of something. "Lost my balance and fell through the door" Worst. Lie. Ever.
The boys obviously didn't believe me as they laughed but didn't press on the matter.
"So how are you finding the glamorous world of Hollywood so far?" Kason asked.
I shrugged. "It’s alright. I haven’t really done much except for this movie"
Olly gasped from beside me. "Really? You haven't used your celebrity status to do anything?"
I chuckled. "Celebrity status?"
"Everyone knows about you. You’re practically a celebrity now" Aaron said.
"I wouldn't say that" I gushed.
"Of course you are." Chase spoke up. "You working with Harry Williams, everyone’s going to know your name"
"I say we should show her the Hollywood lifestyle" Olly smirked.
"That’s a great idea" Kason smiled. "How about we go out for lunch and you should see how crazy your life’s about to get?"
I smiled. I couldn't believe Peridot was asking me out to lunch. But my smile faded when I remembered something.
"I can't. I've already made plans to meet a friend for lunch" I grimaced. I had already made a plan to meet up with Kirsty for lunch. It was long overdue.
"No problem" Kason shrugged. "We could always go out for dinner. How about it?"
"Yeah, sounds like a plan" I couldn't believe I was going out to dinner with Peridot, this was all unbelievable. I couldn’t stop the huge grin that now was forming on my face.
"Knock knock" someone said from outside. Danny popped his head in and smiled. "Hey guys. How did the interview go?"
"It went well" Chase said.
"No it didn't" Aaron grumbled. Everyone laughed at him, knowing the reason why he didn’t particularly enjoy the interview.
"I see you've already met Lena. I was going to introduce you earlier on but I see that there's no need for that now"
"Yeah, I kind of just stumbled upon them while I was walking"
Again the boys laughed, knowing how we really got acquainted.
"Anyway, I came in here to tell you that Kirsty is waiting for you outside"
"Oh shoot, is it time already?" I checked my watch for the time, momentarily forgetting about lunch with Kirsty.  "I'll see you guys later for dinner" I said to the boys before dashing out. Danny walked me out.
"So Katie was telling me some interesting things about you"
"Really" I puffed, as I dashed through the corridors. I didn't want to keep Kirsty waiting any longer; we had been planning this lunch for ages but couldn't find the time due to my hectic schedule.
"Yeah, it seems as though we have met before” he smirked.
At this point I was at the doors. I turned to him and tried to be polite as I could. "I'll probably see you at dinner tonight with the boys. You can tell me everything then. But right now I’ve got to meet up with Katie. She hates it when I'm late. See ya" and with that I bolted out the doors and came face to face with Kirsty.
"Kirsty!" I screamed and ran up to her to give her a big hug.
"Aileen" she screamed and let go off me. “or should I say Lena" she laughed as she looked me up and down as if inspecting me.
I groaned. "It’s nice to hear the name Aileen once in a while so please stick to that"
"Okay Miss Aileen Brooks, would you do me the honour of accompanying me to lunch at our special little cafe?" she said imitating a posh English accent.
"Why, yes Miss Kirsten Hill it would be my upmost pleasure" I said trying to muster a posh English accent but frankly it just wasn't as good as Kirsty's.
She looped her arm through mine. "Well then my lady, we shall now depart". She said, making me laugh. I really did miss Kirsty and her crazy ways.
Once we got seated and ordered our food in our local cafe we caught up with what had been going on and any gossip I had missed. She had told me how Selina was leaving for America as she had got discovered to do some modelling work over there as well as some other juicy gossip.
"So what you’re telling me is that Ryan is now a single man?" I said, reeling the information that Kirsty had given me.
"Yes, you should have been there. Anna and Ryan had this huge fight in the cafeteria in front of the whole school. I did feel sorry for them but it did make for an entertaining lunch" she laughed. Ryan was the boy that nearly every girl in the school had a crush on. I will admit even I did at some point.
"No way. I wish I was there to see that"
"Well if you didn't miss so much school you wouldn’t have" Kirsty mumbled so quietly that I almost didn't hear her.
"I'm sorry what was that?" I say in an almost accusing tone.
"Nothing" she was quick to say.
"You know the reason why I've been missing school. It's only been a few days of school I've missed. I've had my parents on my back about this and now you. Please spare me the lecture"
"I just don't see the point in you missing school to become an actress. What if this doesn’t work out? Then you’re going to regret missing all those days of school"
I stared at her in disbelief. "Out of all the people I know, I thought you'd be the one to support me"
"I do, it's just that I feel you think you’re too good for school. Too good for anyone" she shrugged nonchalantly.

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