Chapter 23 - Magic

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Chapter 23

“Are you serious” I screamed at his face.

“Completely. Do you see me laughing?” he replied dryly. His tone then rose. “Why do you act like this? You always have to act like a diva and complain about every little thing”

“Me? A diva?” I fumed, not believing what I was hearing. “You’re the one who invited Maria over and let her walk all over me while you stood there enjoying the show”

“You think I enjoyed watching that? I was going to help. I was”

“Yeah, right. Sure you were” I rolled my eyes.

“Do you know what, I’ve head enough of this. You are so incompetent, it’s unreal.”

I gasped and grabbed the handle of my suitcase and walked away.

The last conversation I had with Danny replayed through my mind this past week as I stood in the clammy outdoors of my auntie’s garden.

That was the last I had seen of Danny. It was on the last day of filming just before the wrap party. I decided not to go to the party; I couldn’t bear to see his face. 

The sound of mindless chatter filled the air as I sighed out of boredom, the sound lost through the mindless chatter.

My aunt held a garden party once a year during the summer to which she would invite her friends from clubs and society's all dressed prim and proper, making it feel like we were at the grand national rather than a garden party.

I reluctantly went every year to please my parents and aunt; otherwise I would have rather been curled up outside my back garden on a chair with a book in hand.

The hedges were the brightest green, all trimmed to perfection as was the grass. The small maze at the end of the garden showed how vast her garden and wealth was. She had her own business and was the head of it or something. I wasn't quite sure what she did.

The sky shone blue, not a cloud in sight, my massive pink hat protecting me from the blaring sun. I got made to wear a hat in which I pretty much couldn't see anything and a tight pink dress to match, which was too tight to even walk in, which was marbled with bits of white and blue.

Everyone else wore the same, the woman with big hats and tight fitting clothes and men with suit and ties, the ties falling off as men pulled them off due to the heat.

I felt claustrophobic with all these people around, all too posh to take a glance at me. I sort of whished that someone would recognise me just so I could make conversation. I wanted to get out of here. I definitely felt out of place.

With a champagne glass in my hand, I turned away from everyone, hoping to seek solace somewhere quieter. All of a sudden gasps were audible from the crowd, so I turned to see what was happening.

A guy came through the crowd, sticking out like a sore thumb, with a pair of jeans, a shirt and a red jacket on. My eyes widened in shock as he manoeuvred his way through the crowd, ignoring the curious glances or the snide comments he was receiving.  It took all my strength not to laugh at how different he looked compared to the rest of us but I kept my face composed, remembering our last conversation we ever had.

 He smiled as soon as he approached me, the crowd parting for this stranger, the smile not exactly reaching his eyes. “Hey” he whispered as he got closer.

I looked to the ground, trying not to take a glance at him. Everyone’s attention had now focused on us and I didn’t particularly like the attention. I remained silent.

His hands reached for his jacket pockets and stayed there, maybe out of anxiousness, I couldn’t tell. “Can we talk?” he asked the nerves evident in his voice. I glanced up then, looking around at the curious faces and instantly felt guilty for making him feel this way.

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