Chapter 10- Truth or Dare

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Chapter 10

The morning after our crazy night at the club, we somehow all ended up in Indigo’s room. None of us had any recollection of how we ended up there and not in our own rooms.  I woke up to see Kason sprawled all over the bed with Olly at the end of the bed, almost about to fall off and Aaron with his head on the edge of the bed and the rest of his body on the floor. Danny and Chase were nowhere to be seen though.

Indigo and I however, somehow, ended up sleeping on the floor. Again. It seemed to be a recurring thing, us sleeping on the floor. My neck wasn’t going to get any better if I continued to end up on the floor.

Other than that the events of the previous night were pretty hazy. Kason woke up wondering how his new shoes got wrecked. In my mind, I was starting to remember a few moments at the club, one of those moments being that I was sick on Kason. Luckily, he didn’t remember anything, so I decided to stay quiet on the matter.

And obviously we all woke up with the biggest hangovers imaginable. So when we showed up for work that day, let’s just say that Harry wasn’t exactly thrilled at us coming late on set and us not being able to work due to our raging hangovers.

So from then on we vowed we would never drink again... until the following week, when Indigo decided we should play truth or dare. And of course, she brought the drinks along.

We had just finished working for the day and we were all in Indigos room, some excited and some nervous about what Indigo had planned for the night.

“Don’t worry Lena” Indigo assured me, sensing my discomfort. “This is just a friendly game of truth or dare”

“Friendly my butt” I mumbled and went to sit down on the floor with the boys.

Indigo eventually joined us after sorting out the drinks. She gave us each a shot glass and poured out a drink. “Basically, whenever you don’t answer a truth or do a dare, you take a shot” Indigo explained after our confused glances at the drinks.

“And why is that a bad thing?” Danny asked.

“Well, we don’t want a re-enactment of last week when we woke up not remembering a thing. And we don’t want to get in trouble by Harry again. So this is to make you all spill the truth to us.” Indigo smirked. “Also, I have two bowls beside me; one for truth and one for dare so we don’t waste time thinking of things to come up with”

“Wow, someone is prepared” Olly mumbled.

“Okay then. Lets begin” Kason rubbed his hands together, ready to play truth or dare.

I grimaced. I really didn’t want to play, who knew what I would have to spill. It wasn’t like I had any secrets anyway.

Indigo had the bottle and she spun it in the middle. I froze; I was on edge now, hoping that the bottle didn’t come my way. As it spun past me, I prayed it wouldn’t stop at me. I breathed a sigh of relief when the bottle instead stopped on Aaron.

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