Chapter 15- Diva

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Chapter 15

"What do you think I should do? He's been ignoring me these past few days and it's driving me crazy" I say, after having just poured out all my Danny problems to Indigo.

"Just give him time, he'll come round. That's just the way he his" indigo replied.

"But I don’t even know what I did wrong" I whined. "All I know is that ever since that kiss scene he's been acting weird with me" I shrugged. "Maybe it was my kissing" I gasped. "Oh my goodness, you don't think it could be because of my kiss do you?" I asked in horror. "Maybe I had bad breath or something" I pondered at all the possibilities that could have gone wrong with that kiss.

Indigo just laughed. "Oh, Lena, you silly goose, I don't think it was the kiss. He’s just going through a lot of stuff right now. It's probably just the stress of everything; he might not be in the mood to be talking to anyone"

I nodded even though I knew it was a lie. I had seen him around set talking and laughing with other members of the crew, but whenever I went to talk to him or if I even looked his way, he would just blank me.

I sighed, giving up hope of Danny ever talking to me again. "Enough about me. How are things going with you and Olly? I asked. "I’ve seen you two hanging around each other, like all the time. It's like you guys are attached at the hip or something." I laughed, hinting that there was something more going on between them. In all honesty, I think there was. The way Olly looks at her or whenever her name is mentioned, his face brightens up.

Indigo tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and smiled down to the floor. “Well...erm...” she looked down to her hand, where a diamond ring was placed on her ring finger.

I gasped at the sight of it and moved closer to her to inspect the ring. I looked at her with wide eye for confirmation, her head nodding as she grinned. 

I squealed as I wrapped my arms around her, my grin matching Indigos.

“Oh my goodness Indigo, when did this happen?”

“Just a couple of days ago. I know we’ve only known each other for a couple of months but when you know, you know”. She grinned. She seemed so happy, I couldn’t believe it.

“That is definitely a whirlwind romance” I teased. “I’m happy for you both. I really am”

“Thank you Lena”

We continued to talk and be such girls about the whole situation from her showing me the ring numerous times to talking about wedding dresses.

Today was Indigo’s last day on set, so I was spending some time with her before she left. Filming was set to finish soon for the rest of us, so I would be leaving the glamorous and crazy world of Hollywood in a short time. I wasn’t sure what to think of that. In the meantime, I would just enjoy the rest of the days left.

It was also Peridot’s last day of filming, which meant this would be the last day that I would get to spend with Kason before he left.

Which reminded me.

“Oh, I better go, I’m meeting Kason for lunch” I said, as I got up of the floor.

“Okay. I’ll see you on set. I can’t believe this is my last day here” she sighed.

I went up and hugged Indigo, trying to keep the tears at bay. “I know, it’s all gone so quickly. It just felt like yesterday that I met you” I laughed.

“I know. I will definitely call you up to let you know about the wedding preparations. I know I will need your help” she joked.

“I would love to help with the wedding, just call me anytime”. I hugged her once again before leaving her room.

Kason and I decided to meet on the beach. It was a beautiful day, the calming wind cooling the humid air. Kason was sitting on the sand when I arrived.

 “Hey. Not seen you at all this morning” Kason inquired as I sat down beside him.

I smiled as I snuggled beside him, his arm instinctively wrapped around me. “I was with Indigo this morning. Had to see her before she left later on tonight”

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