Chapter 4- First Day On The Job

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Chapter 4

The memories from last week at the premier were almost gone out of my mind. When I say almost, I mean that the next day when I went home, the picture of me falling on Danny had been plastered on the front cover of almost all the magazines. Although you couldn't tell it was me as my back was facing the camera, you could only see Danny’s horrified face as I was about to fall on top of him. Kirsty ,being the super amazing best friend that she was, decided to buy most of these magazine as a reminder of her 'best day ever' -as she puts it-but my worst day ever. I can't believe that still happened and I was hoping to forget all about that but j don't think I ever will with those magazines now haunting me forever. I could just take them from Kirstin’s room and throw it away later, although she has this weird sense that she knows when something is missing so she would go ballistic if she found the magazines missing. So I’d better not.

It was my first day on the job. It was bright and early on a Saturday morning, the sun was shining, the birds were singing and I looked like a complete disaster. My big blond curly mess of a hair was all over the place-it was untameable, especially this early in the mornings- and I had horrible black eyes under my eyes from just being woken up and I looked like a ghost- one that did not look happy to be woken up this early. My skin very pale and gloomy looking. What do you expect from someone who had just woken up at six in the morning and for what? Oh yeah, because I needed a job.

I decided to put my hair up into a messy bun, just because I was too tired and lazy to do anything with my hair. I settled on wearing denim jeans and an old pink floral top. It wasn't how I exactly imagined my first day on a Hollywood set, but oh well.  I gathered my things that I needed for the day and headed out into the world of work.

Once I passed the security guard and he gave me the okay to go through, I met up with Holly, the one who had interviewed me. She gave me a quick tour of the set.

"That Is where the main filming area is" she pointed to the big building, where I guessed everyone was busy getting ready. "They are finishing the last bits and pieces of building the set inside. It's taken us a few months to prepare but we are now nearly finished"

"Wow, a few months. I didn't even notice any of this going on"

She then continued to show me around to the area where all the portacabins, which were used for the offices and places to rest and such. She also showed me the rather large caravans that were parked at the end of the set which she told me were for the actors and the honey wagon- which I found out were the trailers that were for the dressing rooms.

Before she took me to see the production department, where I eagerly wanted to go and see what that involved before I had to start my proper work,  Holly introduced me to the other runners I would be working with.

It seemed as if I was the last of the runners as there was a small group of people all huddled and talking quietly amongst themselves. When I arrived I gave a shy smile and a hesitant wave. I never knew how to introduce myself to people.

Most returned the smile while one of the girls pushed through the crowd without so much as an apology to the people she almost knocked over and gave a huge grin.

"Hi. My name is Samantha. You may never call me Sam" she said blatantly. I was a bit taken aback by the bluntness of it. "I have been a runner for three years and I am friends with a lot of the celebs" she admitted rather proudly. Was this girl for real? I looked around to the other people to see their reactions but they did not seem to be the least bit bothered. They must have already heard this speech a million times before as it seemed like a rehearsed speech. "I am hoping to make it big and become a celebrity myself. All the most famous celebs have started from their way to the bottom and worked their way to the top. I thought it would make for an interesting story for whenever I get interviewed."

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