Chapter 12-Gold

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Chapter 12

I pushed my hair back as the light wind whipped my hair back. Looking out to the sea, a cool breeze passed by me, cooling me down on this clammy morning. I sighed as the sand touched my bare feet, trying to forget about what happened the night before.

That kiss. As much as I tried to forget about it, it was something that I couldn’t get out of my head.  No one, not even Danny, mentioned the kiss once the game ended. We all acted as though it had never happened, for which I am glad for. I really didn’t want that kiss to ruin our friendship but luckily it didn’t. We carried on being our usual selves after the game and that was the way I wanted it to stay.

Although everything is fine between Danny and me, I couldn’t get to sleep; I kept on tossing and turning in my bed. When light started to seep through the curtains, I gave up and got out of bed deciding a walk on the beach would clear my head.

The sun had risen and could be seen just above the horizon. The only sound heard on this empty beach was the sound of tweeting birds in the early morning in the clear blue sky.

The salty sea air wafted through my nose. It was a beautiful morning for a walk on the beach and to clear my head. With no one on the beach and the sand tickling my feet, I couldn't think of any other place to be. To me this was paradise.

I sat down on the sand to look at the view. The small waves crashed and disappeared as soon as they came. The clear blue water reflected the clouds in the sky. Buildings could be seen beyond the horizon, making it seem like a faraway island of its own.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear someone shout my name.

"Lena" they shouted. Who would be here at this time? I never saw anyone else on the beach earlier on.

I turned to see Kason running up to me. I smiled as he got closer and sat down beside me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I just decided a walk on the beach would be nice"

"At seven in the morning?" I asked incredulously but with a hint of smile playing on my face.

"Why not?" he retorted.

I laughed. “so it was just a coincidence that the day I decide to come to the beach early in the morning, you so happen to be here too?"

"Purely a coincidence" He smirked. I shook my head at him but still chuckled at him. "So what are you doing out here at this time?" he asked.

I looked out to the sea as the wind ruffled my hair. "I couldn’t get to sleep. Must be homesick or something" I shrugged, not telling him the real reason for my lack of sleep.

"Don’t worry, we've not got long to go"

I sighed. "Yeah, and then there's the part of me that doesn't want to leave all this. I've had such a blast here and got to do things I never would have imagined I would do. Then there are all the friends I've made. I'm really going to miss everyone"

Kason smirked. "Is there someone you’re going to miss in particular?" he teased.

I laughed and pretended to think about it. "Well, there's Harry. I'll definitely miss Harry"

His eyes scrunched up into a mysterious glare. He was about to do something, I just knew it. But before I could think about it he moved forward towards me and started to tickle me.

I squealed with laughter and fell to the sand as he held on tightly to me, continuing to tickle me.

I tried to squirm out of his grasp but his arm around my waist had me trapped.

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