My Life as the Accidental Superstar

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My Life as the Accidental Superstar

So that’s my life. How I really ended up being a star. Not because I bribed some producer or because I slept with the director of my first movie. It was all because of coffee. One silly little coffee spill that ended up changing my whole life.  And I don’t even like coffee that much.

After everything that happened Kirsty and I graduated from high school after successfully passing our exams. Kirsty got accepted to college in the states, leaving me all by myself in England. But that didn’t last long as I decided to move in with her, meaning it would be easier to get movie jobs and also so that I wouldn’t miss Kirsty that much either. The best part is that we moved close to Indigos place so the three of us always got together and caused trouble. And by trouble I mean annoying the heck out of Olly.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – ‘but what about you and Danny?’- Well, this autobiography is titled My Life as the Accidental Superstar, not the life of Danny and me. You know I don’t divulge much of my personal life- well after this book I won’t be- but if you really must know Danny and I are still in each other’s lives. That’s all you’re getting. *cue evil laughter*

But on a more serious note, I’m glad for all that has happened. Recently, there had been many rumours and stories about how I got my big break and that is the reason for this autobiography. To tell you my story from me and not from some magazine who claim to know everything about me.

My career has been soaring higher than ever and I couldn’t be more grateful for the way my life has turned out. I would like to thank Harry Williams for taking a chance in me and believing in me when I thought I didn’t have a chance in this business. To my new friends I have made who made me feel welcome and who never fail to make me smile whenever I’m down. To my parents whose support I wouldn’t be here without. And last but not least to the amazing fans who are the most loyal and dedicated fans I could ever ask for, you all make me happy and make me realise how lucky I am to have such an amazing job. I hope to continue to do an amazing job for you guys.

I think I might go try some coffee now!  :)

Lots of love

Aileen Brooks x


Hope you all enjoyed reading this. This epilogue was supposed to be better but didn't turn out that way that I had hoped. I thought I would end up writing more but when I opened my laptop, I had no idea what to write. 

Oh well, I hope you enjoyed anyway. This whole story has been fun to write. I can't believe I have finally finished this after 2 and a half/ 3 years. Thanks to those who stuck by me. I have definately learned to be a bit more organised with my stories in the future. 

I had planned to do some sort of spin off story or at least another superstar type story but right now my mind isn't in it. Right now, I have so much going on and I'm about to go back to uni so I don't think I would have any time to write out any more stories. But we will see what happens in the future. 

Feel free to ask any questions or even say hi if your passing by. I think I'm going to miss you guys comments and votes to those regulars who did so. Everytime I opened up my Wattpad app I would have the biggest smile on my face to see the same people commenting and voting. So thanks. 

Can I be honest with you right now. I am just rambling on and on because currently this story has 89 wattpad pages and it is bugging me to see that on my profile. I want it to be a nice number so I'm trying to get it to 90 pages. Yeah, I'm weird like that. So you don't even need to be reading this. I apologise for wasting precious minutes of your lives when you could have been reading someones elses story. You might have even got thorugh a paragraph of an amazing story by the time you finished reading this. Haha! Sorry! 

Update: I got it to 90 pages.  Thank goodness! :)

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