Chapter 16- Everything is Right in the World

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Chapter 16

Today was the last day of filming. I didn’t know how to feel about that. I thought I would be more upset but in light of recent events, I was feeling rather relieved that filming was coming to an end.

With Kason and Indigo now gone, it felt like there was no one for me to turn to now. Danny wasn’t talking to me and the rest of the cast and crew didn’t bother to take a second glance at me whenever I showed up on set.

Since the film was wrapping up, reporters had been hounding me and publishing all sorts of crazy stories about me. They really went about digging through my background and my home and school life. Some reports interviewed neighbours and some students from my school. It was weird and definitely felt like an invasion of privacy.

It was at times like this that I missed Danny and his advice. He would know how to keep me calm and would tell me how to handle these situations. I thought I had managed it well so far, I had been ignoring most of what the papers said about me but at times it was more difficult and I would be tempted to see what the world thought of me.

It was at times like that which made me realise how alone I was in this world. How completely different it was from my simple life back home. Home, where I had the guarantee of the warm smiles and hugs of my friends. The anonymity. The guarantee of no matter how upset I got my friends and family would still be there, cheering me on every step of the way.

Now my school friends back home no longer talk to me due to the fact that I never had time to maintain communication with them and my parents couldn’t help me with my problems as they had no idea themselves how to deal with them.

I thought everything was going so well but it seems that now everything was falling apart. With all these thoughts swirling around my head, a sense of sadness and longing overtook me as I made my way to the set that morning.

I had talked to Kason a few times after he had left but didn’t say anything to him about the incident that had happened the night he left. He was busy on his world tour and I didn’t want him to feel worried. I thought talking to him would make me feel better and make me forget all about that night but instead it just made me realise how much I missed Kason and how much I needed my friends and family.

I walked on set, with a script shoved in my hands, even though I had thoroughly learnt my lines the night before, and walked to the living room set where we would be filming our last ever scene.

This scene was the very ending of the film, where the guy, Lucas, proposes to my character Annabel, so it was supposed to be a romantic and happy scene but I felt anything but happy at the moment. Nevertheless I still managed to get through the scene as did Danny, who acted with amazing professionalism as he always did.

The whole set felt like they were all down in the dumps. Maybe because it was the last day of filming. We had all gotten close through our filming days so it was understandable why they were upset. Me, I was more upset that I would never speak to Danny again. I felt like I should apologise to him before we left but I didn’t exactly know what I was apologising for.

As we filmed the last take, we all turned to Harry, who stood up, and looked a little teary eyed but tried his best to hide it as he said “Right everyone, that’s a wrap”

Even I got teary eyed, now realising that this was it. The reality setting in that this really was my last day of filming. A few tears were shed from other cast members and hugs were shared around set. I made my way to Harry, who smiled as I approached him.

“So, I guess this is it?” I shrugged, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill any second.

“Yeah, I suppose it is. It has been amazing Lena and having you on this film has been something special” he smiled.

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