Chapter 14- If We Were A Movie

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Chapter 14

Today was the day. The kiss.

But to distract me from that, I was doing a photo shoot for the film today.

The morning had been crazy. Because of the heat yesterday, we were one day behind schedule. And because of that, Harry wasn’t in the best of moods. He was on set shouting orders, here, there and everywhere, I was surprised he hadn't lost his voice yet.

It was an early day on set today. Having to get up at five in the morning, with little time for breakfast, being rushed into makeup while the photo shoot was being set up.

On top of that, Harry was making us do twice the scenes today, so Danny and I spent the time waiting for the photo shoot rehearsing lines.

There was no awkwardness between Danny and me this morning. I thought there would be but Danny was doing really well keeping up conversation while I was being a nervous wreck. I think Danny knew what was going through my mind so tried his hardest to distract me.

"C’mon Lena, I need to see more emotion from you, more passion, or at least some form of expression from you" the photographer sighed, as he stood poised with his camera in hand.

"Okay, I'm sorry" I said with a shaky breath. "Actually, can we take five?" The photographer, Ricky, seemed annoyed and I didn't wait for his reply, I just stormed off from the shoot.

"Lena" I could hear Danny call out to me, but I ignored him too.

"And can someone PLEASE get me some bottled water" I screamed out.

I sat down in a chair with my name written behind it and took a deep breath, my hands in my head. I didn’t know what was with the diva behaviour today. Maybe I was just that nervous about the kiss. But that was still no excuse for the way I was behaving. 

Was the pressure of Hollywood already getting to me? Danny’s words from last night echoed in my mind. ‘As an actor you have to get out of your comfort zone sometimes and challenge yourself’

"Miss Brooks" someone with a meek voice spoke. I looked up to see a young girl with a bottle of water in her hand, outstretched to me. I snatched it of her, with the foul mood I was in, and replied with small thanks, dismissing her.

I didn’t see her scurry off as I took a huge gulp of water, forgetting about the world for a second as the coolness of the water made is way down my parched throat.

As I set the bottle down, Danny stood in front of me, his arms folded in front if his chest, with a discerning look on his face.

I sighed and rolled my eyes at him, knowing some sort of lecture was to come.

I instead stared at the bustling set- with Harry screaming at Ricky’s face, probably wondering why he had let me go and was wasting time; the production designers setting up the set for later on; to the runners working about the set getting things ready for the day.

Danny sat in the seat beside me. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah" I said sternly. Then I sighed and turned to look at him. "No" I groaned. I put my hands back in my face. "I don’t even know what's wrong with me today" my voice muffled by my hands, I was surprised that he could still understand what I was saying.

"Your just acting as you would when someone is nervous" he shrugged.

"And how do you know I’m nervous?" I smirked. I knew it was obvious that I was extremely nervous bit I just wanted to hear what he had to say.

He raised his eyebrow at me as if saying 'really'. 

"Well, you stormed off the photo shoot and I think you almost made that girl cry" he said, mentioning the girl who gave me the water.

I cringed at the mention of that. I didn't mean to be so angry with her.

"You’ll be fine" he continued, seeing me distressed. "It’s just me" he teased, a small smile making its way on his face.

I smiled. "I know. I don't even know what I'm nervous about"

"Maybe it's the dancing. Your dancing is terrible" he joked as I punched him lightly on the shoulder.

Today we also had our dance scene as well. "Your dancing isn't any better, mister. If I recall correctly, Astrid said my dancing was improving" I gloated playfully.

"Yeah, yeah, miss show off" he waved off.

I sighed, turning to him with a serious look on my face. "How do you do it? How do you stay calm in a situation like this"

"You mean when kissing girls?" he shrugged. "I've kissed lots of girls, so it's not that bad" he joked.

Before I could hit him in the shoulder again, Harry had called out to us, not so politely might I add, to get back to the photo shoot. 

"It looks like we’re wanted" Danny said as he got up of his seat.

I groaned. "I don't want to"

Danny put his hands on my shoulder and looked at me square in the eyes. "Lena, take a deep breath and calm down. Remember what I said last night, it's just part of the job"

Somehow, him being here had a calming presence over me and I was able to relax a little.

I took a deep breath, feeling the anger and stress flowing out if me.

Danny smiled seeing me relaxed and before I could change my mind, he grabbed hold of my hand and dragged me off my seat to the photo shoot.

Once we returned to an angry looking Ricky, Danny whispered in my ear, "Relax. The photo shoots are the fun part. Just mess about and you'll see how much fun they are"

And it turned out he was right, the photo shoot turned out to be great fun. We pulled funny faces and did silly poses, we just had a blast. 

I did have to admit, I was enjoying life at the moment. The photo shoot reminded me how to calm down and have fun and also having the talk with Danny made me realise that I couldn't prevent the inevitable, so I just had to get on with it.

Even if the reminder of the kiss scene still made me slightly nervous, I knew I was in good hands with Danny. 

Once the photo shoot was over, we went to the film set to start filming. We started off with the scenes we were supposed to do yesterday. 

Harry made sure we didn't mess about today; we had to get each scene right in as little takes as possible. He didn't want to waste time.

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