Chapter 13- Sunny Days and Starry Nights

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Chapter 13

Today was a great day. The sun was bright and shining and it was a hot day. So hot in fact that most of the technology on set wasn’t working, which meant we all got a day off from working. And a day off meant a day spent with Kason showing me the sights of LA.

Kason had rented out a car, with the roof off, which was great for this weather. The wind whipped my hair back, as we drove down the long road, making me feel like some kind of superstar. My arm rested on the side, my sunglasses on and Kasons smiling face beside me. What more could I ask for?

Kason had shown me the city earlier on, now he was taking me out a little further, somewhere a little quieter.

"Me and the boys sometimes come out here when it's nice weather. Somewhere to just relax and sunbathe" Kason said from the driver’s seat.

I took in my surroundings. Green was the colour surrounding me. On the hills, grass, everywhere. "This just looks like farmland to me" I said dryly.

"It may seem like it, but it's got the greatest view. I love just sitting out here in the peace and quiet"

I've come to realise in my time in Hollywood that I've become accustomed to the city. I think I've become more of a city girl rather than a country girl.

"There doesn’t seem to be any form of life here" I say looking around. It was still just patches of green that surrounded me.

"Patience. Were not that far"

"Far from where? Where are we going Kason?"

"It’s a cute little cafe I've found here. I’m sure you'll love it and they have the best ice cream"

"So there is life here" I joked.

It was nice to wind down once in a while and take in the beauty of nature. 

Once we arrived where we were supposed to, Kason parked his car and we walked, hand in hand, up the little street where there was a cafe at the corner, just as Kason had promised.

Few people passed by, not noticing us as they enjoyed the sun. It was nice and peaceful and reminded me of the nice quiet days back home before all this craziness had happened.

We got the ice cream and sat at the chairs that were placed outside the cafe, the umbrella shading us from the sun.

As I took my first bite of the ice cream I couldn't help when a moan of pleasure escaped my mouth. "Wow, your right, this is the best ice cream ever" and scoffed another bite without caring how I looked gobbling up the ice cream.

Kason just laughed. “Of course I'm right, have I ever been wrong?" he teased.

"I'm sure there have been many times" I laughed before going back to devouring the ice cream. It was silky and velvety, melting instantly in my mouth. Although it was just an ordinary vanilla flavour, this ice cream somehow made the vanilla taste ten times better than any other ice cream than I ever had before.

Before I knew it, the little tub of ice cream had finished and I could feel myself pout a little.

Kason laughed at my expression. "You still have a little ice cream here" he said as he leaned over the table to wipe the smudge of ice cream of the corner of my mouth.

I just smiled and looked down sheepishly, thinking how embarrassing that must have been to have food like that still on my face. 

"I was saving that for later" I joked

"I'm sure you were. As my mum always says waste not want not" he grinned.

"But I did want that" I playfully moaned.

He laughed. "Well if it makes you feel any better, I have a surprise for you that will probably make you forget about that little smidge of ice cream"

"A surprise?" I couldn't contain the excitement from my voice.

Kason nodded and led me to the car.

He opened the back doors of the car and came out with a basket with a blanket laid on top of it.

"Were having a picnic" he grinned as he held up the picnic basket.

I couldn't believe that I didn't notice the basket at the back of the car. He must have been distracting me too much for me to notice.

I laughed. "First the ice cream and now this. Are you trying to get me fat" I joked.

Kason face was a mask. He didn't say anything for a while and I stopped laughing, the smile slowly fading away from my face.

"Why would you say that?" he asked his face solemn, his voice barely above a whisper. His face whipped up to look at me, and the intensity in his blue eyes made me take a step back. "You know you’re beautiful the way you are right? I don't want you ever changing for anyone. Especially not for Hollywood. Your perfect and the rest of Hollywood are going to see that"

This reminded me of the day Danny spotted me in my trailer looking at myself in the mirror after finding that magazine article about Maria Miller.

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