Chapter 1-Running, Running, Runner

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Thanks RoseofZharon for the help when i couldn't get this to upload


Chapter 1

I could see the school building in the distance. I was getting closer to it.

I was running to school as I was late, as usual. My registration teacher, Mr Hill, has warned me that if I am late once more then I would get a detention.

It was now 8.58am. I had to get to school before 9.00am. It was a 5 minute walk from where I am right now to the school, and by running I hoped it would only be 2 minutes.

I had never had detention before, I was the perfect student, except that I was late all the time, other than that my grades were reasonable and I was pretty well behaved.

If my parents ever found out that I had gotten a detention, they would freak out and I would be in so much trouble.

I could see the school close by. 8.59, my watch read. Passer-byes were giving me weird looks but I didn’t care, I just needed to get to the school in time.

I made it to the entrance of the school and barged in through the doors. I ran past the receptionist who just shook her head and tried not to laugh. I have gotten to know her since I am always coming to school through the main entrance rather than the student entrance; seeing as I am always late she has to give me a late pass.

As I ran past her I managed to breath out a “hi”. She just nodded her head and tried not to laugh. I ran through the doors on my way to my form class.

Stairs. Why did there have to be stairs to get to my class. My legs felt like jelly as I ran up the stairs. Not long to go, I encouraged myself. My class was right next to the stairs, so I didn’t have to walk much further after this.

After climbing up the stairs, which felt like forever, I barged into the room just in time to hear my name being called on the register and screamed out “here” and breathed a sigh of relief.

Mr Hill looked at me sceptically before saying “Okay, I’ll let you go this time, but next time it’s a detention” he warned me.

I felt like fist pumping the air and screaming ‘yes’ at the top of my lungs but I didn’t have the energy , so I just grudgingly went to my seat and flopped down. I probably looked like a mess right now.

As soon as I take my seat my best friend Kirstin turns around and says “your hairs a bit messy” while giggling away.

I just glare at her and say “well, hi to you too Kirstin” while grabbing a mirror out of my bag to assess the damage. It really was a mess; I swore when I left the house my hair was straight, now all I could see was a big ball of frizzy wavy blonde mess.

“Okay, sorry” Kirstin says still giggling. She takes a deep breath and once she calmed down she says “so how are you Aileen?”

“Tired” I simply say and groaning as I slump in my chair.

“School hasn’t even started yet”

“I know, but no one had to run to school so they could avoid detention now did they?”

“Well, heres an idea, maybe you should get to school early” she says sarcastically rolling her eyes.

"Pfft, like that’s ever going to happen” I state

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