Chapter 21 - Making Up

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Chapter 21

Today was the last day of the spa weekend. I had had such a blast and made a bunch of new friends. We had gotten a spa treatment which was beautiful and well needed. Secrets were spilled over in the hotub and revelations were made. It was definitely a weekend I wouldn’t forget.

At one point Olly called and we told him that Indigo wasn’t here as we left her in the woods and that she was waiting for her prince charming to come and rescue her. Of course he didn’t believe us and we gave Indigo a moment to talk with Olly.

I stepped out of the hotub, deciding to take a shower before I left, leaving the girls lounging and chatting in the hotub. I picked up my towel from the table outside and quickly dried myself before opening up the sliding doors to enter the lounge.

On the table lay a stack of magazines. Some of the girls insisted that they had to keep up with the latest gossip, so every night they went out and bought some more magazines. I would normally ignore them but in this instance a photo that lay at the top of the magazine pile caught my eye.

This picture had Tyler kissing some girl, the headline reading ‘Tyler’s New Girl’ and beside that a little square picture of the kiss between me and Tyler, a question mark on top indicating that they were unsure of what was happening between us. Unlike me, I was sure of what was happening between us. Which was nothing.

Looking at the picture, I felt nothing. Was I supposed to feel something? I knew what kind of reputation Tyler had hence why I didn’t pursue our friendship further. But I suppose he had other ideas that day at the airport. Looking back I had no idea what possessed him to kiss me. I couldn’t think of anything that I said or did that lead him to the idea that I had wanted to be kissed. I shook my head to clear out all thoughts of Tyler. There was no reason to over analyse this.

I made my way downstairs and into my room, letting my hair out of my bun and flow freely over my shoulders ready for a shower. Just as I was getting my clothes ready my phone buzzed from the bedside table. I peered over to see the caller I.D.  Tyler.

I had a feeling somehow that he was calling to apologise but he had nothing to apologise for, we weren’t even together. Sure, there was a little flirting but nothing was ever going to become of it.

I retrieved my clothes from my suitcase deciding to ignore the call and let it go to voicemail but as I looked at the phone I thought that he might have kept on calling until I picked up and I didn’t want that. I dropped my clothes on the bed and touched the green button to answer.

“Hello” I said.

“Hi” I could tell there was some sort of shy smile on his face. I could imagine it on him, the thought making me smile myself. “How are you?”

“I’m good thanks. How have you been?”

“Not bad. How was your weekend with the girls?” he asked.

“It’s been great. Really great” I answered back. I could start to feel the awkward tension and wondered whether he would get to talking about that kiss with the other girl, even though it wouldn’t have bothered me if he didn’t bring it up. “How was your weekend?”

“Good. Probably not as good as yours though” he chuckled lightly.

“Yeah, I don’t think you can beat a good bachelorette party” I giggled.

“You didn’t blindfold Indigo and leave her in the woods did you?” he teased, his tone getting lighter and less tense as our conversation went on.

“We decided to spare her. I don’t think Olly would have been too pleased” I laughed.

There was a silence. I could feel the air growing colder around me. I suppose I was still in my swimsuit so that could have been the reason.

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