ii. mistakes*

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chapter two


This chapter contains scenes of sexual nature. Please read with caution.



» » EDITH STOOD PERPLEXED, dumbfounded before a boy she used to call her best friend. The whole situation she'd found herself in felt nauseating, and she felt as if her heart was going to beat out of her chest. There was a brief silence hanging in the air, awkward and strained. As she locked eyes with Fred, all she wanted was to have an excuse to look away. She knew that their relationship had suffered greatly upon her leaving, and she wanted nothing more than to go back to the way things were before. Before she left. It just wasn't that easy.

"Hey there Freddie", she said shyly, transfixed by his honeysuckle eyes that seemed to outshine the sun itself. How she ever managed to live life without the sight of them, stayed a great mystery.

At first, it was impossible to read the room. Edith hadn't the slightest of ideas if Fred was going to throw his arms around her, punch her square in the jaw, or leave and slam the door in her face. There was no way of anticipating his next move, or whatever he was feeling, and not knowing was almost painful. She'd much rather prefer it if he yelled in her face, then to have him not say anything at all. Anything to relieve the awkward tension between them.

"How-how have you been? I haven't seen you in forever". He broke the silence, staggering towards her with his arms open, ready to embrace her. Edith was slightly taken aback by his actions, but made the best out of the situation by accepting his arms clutching themselves around her. It was short-lived but sweet and —for a second—it felt like nothing had changed between them. Of course—everything had.

"Good–good. I've been good. Loads of Hungarian Horntails to tend to", she snickered awkwardly, praying to Godric she wasn't making the situation more awkward than it already was. She didn't know just quite what to say to him. It had been so many years since they last saw each other, so many years without them talking. Everything could've very well changed between them, and she had no idea were they stood with one another. "Hope you didn't miss me too much, hey?". She gave her self a mental slap on the forehead.

Fred smiled. "Of course not. Bet you missed me terribly, though?", he nudged her.

"Naah. I think I managed alright", she grinned sheepishly.

Of course, what she really wanted to say to him was;

I've missed you like crazy. Hell, not a single month, week or day went by, that I didn't think about you. About how we left things, and about how terribly I handled things.

I shouldn't have left the way I did. Not without saying a proper goodbye, not without making everything right by you.

I made a terrible mistake and I'm so sorry.

I wish we could just go back to the way things were before.

But she didn't say either of those things. Instead, she composed herself as best she could, shifting her gaze elsewhere. She didn't want him to see through her facade, to see how she was hurting. How badly she wanted to escape the situation she'd put herself in. It had been four years, and still, she felt as if it was only yesterday that she up and left without a single note. Without saying goodbye to anyone.

Fred cleared his throat. "Well, this has been great fun and all, but I think I'm going to head on home".

Edith let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, but her heart still beating rapidly within the safety of her chest.

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