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chapter thirty-seven

This chapter contains scenes of sexual nature. Please read with caution.



» » EDITH GANNON could finally admit that she was happy. Despite the circumstances and the things happening in her life up til now, she could actually say that she was loving life again. Much thanks to having Fred Weasley in her life, reminding her that's she was not alone, she was finally in a place where she thought she could actually see herself staying, and that there was no need to run away. She wasn't reminding herself of the past as much, and when she did, well then she was able to recognise that it wasn't her own fault that her parents split up, that one of her best friends died in the war or that her mum and dad eventually bit the dust as well. She was starting to accept everything and realising she had people in her life that loved her still. People like Fred Weasley.

Rosalind Gannon's funeral held on October 9th 2003, three weeks after she passed away, and Edith got to say goodbye to her mum without holding a grudge still. They had parted as friends, and Edith was glad to think she was able to bid her farewell without feeling as if she was the one to blame for all the mishaps within the family. She had finally learned to let go of the past, and look to the future instead.

The funeral was held in St. Paul's Church in Covent Garden, London, and Edith got to meet some of her mother's old friends, some from her time at school, but mostly people she had never spoken to Edith about. Rosalind was known to be a quite reserved person, especially after what happened with Alexander, so Edith knew very little about her social life from years ago.


"I think we should get a dog."

Fred had been trying to persuade Edith to agree to them getting a puppy, but despite his efforts — Edith wouldn't budge.

"And I think we should wait—we only just got back together."

"It's been two months. Don't you think it's about time we started thinking about the future?"

"How can I not, especially when you're here to remind me all of the time?"

If you were to ask Edith if the pair of them were happy, she'd probably nod her head yes. Sure, they had their differences, and they'd fight now and then, but they would always make up again. It wasn't that they were unhappy, on the contrary, they were getting to a stage in their relationship were comfortability took centre stage. They would balance each other out, and their differences only made their relationship more interesting.

That is unless you count the times were Edith would fall asleep with a giant lump in her throat and a feeling of dread clouding her mind. The times were they would both go to bed angry and at opposite ends of their shared bed.

After Edith moved in to the flat above Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, thinks took a turn for the worse. It wasn't so much that they drifted apart or stopped loving each other, but rather so that they were both still in different places in life, and without them realising it. Because no matter how much they believed that they were okay, that the ghosts of the past were gone and not coming back to haunt them, the truth was much different.

And how long can you really go pretending as if things are alright before you rip at the seams?

You're bound to come crashing down sometime , and when it came to Fred and Edith; we'll things were a little more complicated than that.

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