chapter twenty-four
» » CHRISTMAS EVE was probably the most fun Edith Gannon had had in ages. The gang spent the day preparing heaps of traditional foods, setting up the Christmas tree , and blabbing on about their lives back at Hogwarts. She felt the most at home when she was spending time with her friends, and they managed to get her mind off whatever it was that was troubling her, even if it was for just the night.
Charlie had arrived just before lunch time, and Edith could barely contain how happy she was to see him. The two of them had only corresponded through owl post the last couple of weeks, and it was all in due time that that they got together in person. So when he arrived at the doorstep of Edith's and Ravi's apartment on Christmas Eve, he was met by a near giddied brunette throwing her arms around his neck.
"Charlie!", she exclaimed, nearly squeezing the life out of him as they embraced. "You're here! I missed you like crazy!".
He chuckled. "Hi there, little one", he looked down at her as she let go of him.
Edith huffed. "I'm not that little".
"Yeah — whatever helps you sleep at night", he grinned mischievously, patting her head as he entered to greet the rest of the gang. Edith laughed.
Charlie had been away in Romania tending to the dragons and it was the first time in quite awhile that he managed to skip away from work just for the holidays, which ultimately meant that Edith got to spend Christmas with another one of her best friends. The fact made her stomach curl with butterflies and her eyes lit up.
Edith had seen quite a lot of Violet the last couple of weeks, they had began rekindling their old friendship, hanging out when they could and laughing about old times. She was happy to have her friend back, even if said friend had been with the love of her life.
"So where's my dear brother?", Charlie asked, seemingly out of nowhere, as the pair cuddled up on the sofa in the living room, something they tended to do. There was no flirty behaviour exchanged between the two of them, they had just always been rather close and comfortable with one another to do that. There wasn't really anymore to it.
Edith cringed at the question. Al though seemingly happy with the way things were between the two of them at the moment, she couldn't help but feel dejected as she considered Fred's relationship with Cerise, the girl she'd been introduced to just the other day. Jealousy was still very much an emotion that would overtake her from time to time, and it hurt knowing she could never have that. At least not with him.
"I don't know. He said he'd come, so I guess he'll be here any minute now".
The door bell chimed, cueing Fred.
When you speak of the devil.
"That'll be him", she said, nearly jumping off the couch in excitement. Charlie smiled, knowing damn well the feelings the brunette harboured for his second to youngest brother.
Opening the front door, Edith quickly caught sight of the man she'd been waiting to see. He was dressed in fancy clothes, his matching maroon suit and tie making the girl gape at how handsome he looked. She could barely keep from drooling at the sight, he truly looked like godlike, like a prince taken straight out of a fairytale.
"You clean up nicely", she commented, attempting to gain control over her flushed cheeks but failing miserably. They just wouldn't seem to turn a normal colour or temperature.
Fred smiled, eyeing her up and down as he admired the goddess standing before him. He was equally mesmerised by her appearance as she was his. She was wearing a baby blue dress not quite reaching her knees, paired together with her favourite oxford shoes. Her curled hair fell perfectly down her shoulders, and she was wearing little to no makeup, the only thing standing out being her bold red lipstick.
"Wow—", was all he managed to get out, before Edith took hold of his arm, pulling him in through the door.
"The party's in here", she grinned.
After enjoying the excellent feast they'd prepared for what felt like days, the group gathered outside. Fred hadn't spoken any more about Cerise to Edith, and all though she couldn't help but feel curious about the girl, she was happy that she was nowhere in sight. That way, she could simply enjoy this festive time with her closest friends whom she actually considered to be family, without having the worry of being jealous looming over her head.
Of course, that feeling was more or less always there. At least when it came to Fred Weasley.
"Our snowman looks like it's been run over by a truck, and I don't mean that in a good way", Edith laughed at the sight that was their unique looking snowman. It had all the normal parts to it, except for the fact that it looked more or less like a kid had built it.
Ravi chuckled, pressing a firm hand to her shoulder for reassurance. "Oh come on, it's not even that bad".
"Yeah. Snowman's got style", Violet chimed in, her smile reaching her eyes.
Fred grinned. "Can't argue with that. Besides, he kinda looks like you", he joked, and before she knew it, Fred had grabbed a handful of snow off the ground and thrown it her way. It hit her square in the face, resulting in a not-so-happy Edith.
Fred's smile faltered, turning into a scared look on his face. "Oh no...", he whispered under his breathe.
"Oh no you didn't", Edith was quick to follow. "You'll pay for that one, Freddie".
Before the group could say 'Quidditch', a full fledged snow fight had broken out, leaving the group to split up in to two teams. Team one consisted of Violet, Charlie and Edith, leaving Fred and Ravi to take them on. The fight was epic, the five of them seemed to have the time of their lives as they continued to throw snow balls at each other. It wasn't until after Fred fell on top of a red nosed Edith, that the group decided to head back inside to get warm.
"You doing okay down there?", Fred grinned mischievously, his knees trapping a shivering Edith underneath his tall and lanky figure.
Edith continued to try and get free, but it was to no avail. "Get off me!", she chuckled as she spoke, the words barely making any sense as they left her mouth.
Fred smiled, completely entranced by the girl. It was almost as if time stood still, and neither one of them wanted to acknowledge what was happening. That was until Ravi shouted for them to get inside.
"I think we better head back before Ravi has my head", Edith laughed, her breath heavy.
"Right", Fred's smiled faltered once more, leaving him at a loss for words as he pulled the both of them off of the cold hard ground.
When evening came, the group settled in front of the now blazing fire, with drinks in hand. Edith had prepared biscuits and pastries of all kinds, and Ravi had managed to get a hand on different kinds of Christmas beers, mulled wine, and of course — Fire Whisky. It wasn't long before they all became befuddled, laughing their asses off at something Ravi had said. Leave it to him to make the most creative dad jokes. None of them were particularly sober at that time, proved by the way they all talked loudly at the same time. It wasn't until Violet came up with another one of her brilliant ideas, that the group stopped screaming each others heads off.
"I-I have a proposition", she cried out drunkenly, swaying her nearly full glass of Fire Whiskey as if she'd drop it at any second. The others listened excitedly, waiting for her to continue speaking.
"Let's play Never have I ever".
⬩ word count: 1353

𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 | f. w
FanfictionEdith loves her job. But what about the one person she left behind, the one and only person who can compete for the wide space left in her heart- where does he fall into all of it? ____ A story where George Weasley passed away at the Battle of Hogw...