xxi. lovers quarrel

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chapter twenty-one


» » FRED AND EDITH weren't on speaking terms. In fact, the two hadn't spoken to each other for what must have been weeks now, and it all circled back to what he had confessed before slamming the door shut in her face. The look in his eyes as he stood in the door frame, angry and jealous. The posture he held, the way his jaw tightened and his hands crumpled up in fists at his sides. It all felt so out of the blue, and it seemed, there was no changing his mind.

He really meant what he said. She could easily tell.

He didn't want this, he said so himself.

"It was a mistake".

"I should've seen it for what it was".

"It's not healthy".

"I thought it's what I wanted, but I realize now that it's not".

"It never was".

"We're not supposed to be together".

His heartbreaking words echoed in her mind, and even after weeks of not hearing from him, Edith couldn't get his face out of her head. It kept appearing in her mind like a ghost latching onto her, a form of parasite refusing to let the poor girl go. His ginger locks framing his god-shaped face, his dark brown eyes turning her into a pile of mush as they bore into hers, and his freckles that painted constellations across his nose and cheeks.

It was stupid.

It was all so stupid.

It was now nearing august, and Edith had resorted to moving in with Ravi in order to flee the inevitable pain that came along with having to sleep under the same roof as Fred. For obvious reasons, she had resigned from her post at the joke shop and was now spending her days writing letters to Charlie (who had gone back to Romania to continue his work as a Dragonologist), journaling, and wandering aimlessly about the many cobblestone streets downtown.

In many ways, she had lost her footing, but in others —she was moving on. She had to—though the mere thought of never seeing Fred again was tearing her asunder—she had to let him go. It was the best thing for everyone.

As for Rose and Alexander, well, let's just say Edith wasn't too engrossed in answering the many letters being dropped by the windowpane in her and Ravi's flat, and despite Ravi's many assurances that it would all work out in the end, she couldn't help but feel like her whole world had gone up in flames. Nothing seemed to make sense anymore, and she was lost in the in-between, not knowing where to go next.

I have no idea what the hell I'm doing, the brunette would find herself thinking at least a dozen times a day. Is this what my life has come to?

"I saw Fred Weasley today", Ravi immediately caught her attention as he spoke of the ginger. "He was asking about you. Wanted to know how you were doing".

Her heart seemed to start beating a million miles an hour, it felt like she was just seconds away from a heart attack.

"What did you tell him?", she found herself asking, though not sure if she wanted to know.

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