✎Not For Sale - Soobin✍

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Requested by : btspinktxt

I really vibe to this song and the lyrics are so meaningful😭❤️✨

I hope you enjoy reading!🌟


"No! Don't leave me!"

Y/N just sobbed as her one and only best friend already got taken. And now, she's all alone with many other girls who would be taken someday as well.

In the world they live in, women are like objects while men are the owners.

Men are always bossing women around and they have to be always submissive or else they would be punished, not in a dirty way, but a deadly way.

Y/N was one of the women. She lived in an orphanage because her mother was taken away by a man when she was young thus have to live in the orphanage with the rest of the girls who, day by day, will get taken away by men.

"Save it, kid. We're done for. This is the reality, our world is cruel." One of the eldest of the women stated before walking away.

Y/N wiped her tears and stared outside her window, seeing a shooting star passing by. She closed her eyes and hoped for a wish that she knew it was impossible to happen. But miracles exist for a reason.

"Soobin hyung, stop whining! You know, as your little brother I don't even know how are we related."

Soobin rolled his eyes, "Stop it, Beomgyu. But can we please just stop this? I hate this part of our lives. Why do we have to do this?"

"Because it's our bloodline, hyung. Our legacy! Even though I don't want it too, but more on, I wouldn't want to be punished severely and die." Beomgyu even did hand signals and Soobin just sighed.

"So.. where do we go? I want the orphanage because the girls don't have family anymore and it'll be less whining." Beomgyu was the one who decided for them like he's the oldest.

Soobin just shook his head before following after his brother. Starting from this day, his life will change completely.

"Good noon, gentleman. I am the handler of this orphanage, please tell me anything you please to do." A woman greeted the both of them as they arrived at the orphanage.

"That time of our lives have come. Can we check the ladies inside?" Beomgyu politely asked.

"Sure do, young man. Feel free." The woman opened the big door and the orphanage was like a house full of princesses. But in their world, the supposed to be princesses are treated like slaves.

Beomgyu leaned over to whisper something to his older brother, "Let's split up, hyung. Let's see who finds the most beautiful girl first."

"Why must you make everything a competition, Gyu? Let's just do what father told us to do." Soobin pushed his brother away and went to walk somewhere else.

A part of him wants to escape and run away from everything. It's too.. cruel for his entire soul. But then, a part of him says he needs to do this.

Soobin sighs, "Oh well." He just decided to look around and went looking for a girl.

At that moment, he stops in his tracks as he saw probably the most beautiful girl inside the orphanage. She was wearing a simple white dress, her eyes looked so sad while staring at the window in front of her.

He wanted her. He needed her.

He wanted to buy her, but as he digged dipper, he knew the real Soobin wouldn't buy girls. He knew girls aren't objects and he knew the girl is not for sale.

He felt strange but he liked it. He liked that feeling whenever he stares at her.

Soobin smiled to himself before walking towards the girl to his liking. The brunette immediately felt his presence and stood straight, becomes submissive and bows.

"Please don't, I'm not someone you just bow down to." Soobin stopped the girl from bowing down.

"Yes, you are—master."

Soobin felt himself cringe. He never had anyone call him master and he doesn't like it at all.

"No- I don't like it. Just call me Soobin, young miss."

"But it is disrespectful to call-"

"Shh. What's your name?"

"I-I'm.. Y/N." The girl who introduced herself as Y/N was baffled and confused. It was her first time meeting someone like Soobin.

Soobin took a deep breath before talking, straight to the point on why he came here in the first place.

"Let's make it easy; I won't buy you nor would I sell you but would you be mine?"

"O-Of c-course." Y/N can't help herself. It was meant to be done or else she'll be severely punished. But oddly, she didn't think about the punishment but the handsome man in front of her. She just wanted to be with him.

Soobin smiled with her reply, "May I hold your hand?"


Soobin gently held Y/N's hand in his and they exited the orphanage together. He already has his own home away from everybody and he knows him and Y/N will be safe there.

Starting now, Soobin and Y/N made their own story.

➳The End..❧

I'm supposed to sleep but I can't help myself😭 Ideas are roaming in my head rent-free and I'm about to go crazy like this emoji → 🤪

A piece of advice though, if you really need a rest and there's an opportunity to do it, don't hesitate. Resting my mind from writing really helped me. And now, my creativity is back.

Until the next update BOMIs!😘🥰

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