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"Someone stab me with a fork," Heather groaned.

"I would, but all I have is this plastic spoon."

Heather and Courtney ate lunch outside on their first day of college. They already had lots of homework.

"Then scoop my eyeball out; I don't care."

"You know I'd never do that to my bestie."

Geoff, Bridgette, and Gwen sat next to them. "Hey, dudes! And dudettes!" Geoff waved.

"I can't believe we all have the same lunchtime," Chimed Bridgette.

Courtney frowned. "Heather's boyfriend doesn't."

"Awe, that sucks! I don't know what if do without my Geoffy-poo!"

"Ok, don't make me barf," Heather grimaced, putting her napkin down.

Bridgette ignored her. She grabbed her boyfriend's hand. "Geoff and I have been texting each other every time we leave a class and arrive at the next one."

"Um—good to know." Courtney looked perturbed.

"You two should write a codependence 101 book," Duncan cut in. He sat next to Courtney and wrapped his arm around her.

"Pfft, you should talk, Duncan," Bridgette shot back.

Gwen snorted. "I remember when he had a secret picture of Courtney under his pillow."

"What's wrong with you, Gwen?"

"It is kind of funny, babe," Courtney giggled. "But it's cute. Really cute."

"I'd like to finish my food!" Heather snapped.

"Sorry, drama Queen," Duncan rolled his eyes.

Courtney crossed her arms. "You two need to stop fighting all the time. It's so annoying! It's like I'm taking care of kindergarteners!"

"She started it!"

"Not productive!"

Heather picked up her phone when it buzzed. She saw a text from Chandler.

Chandler: Wyd? Lunch?

Heather: Yes, I'm at lunch. Aren't you supposed to be in class? 😜

Chandler: I have a five-minute break. It sucks that I don't have a break for lunch until after this next class! 😡

Heather: Ik 😔

Chandler: Hey, can u take a pic of who ur sitting with real quick?

Heather: Um, y? It's just Courtney, Duncan, Bridgette, and Geoff

Chandler: Just take a picture, please.

Heather: Fine 🙄

She snapped a quick photo of the group.

Heather: Here it is. I don't know what you want from it, psycho 🙃

Chandler: I just wanted to make sure u were sitting with people I can trust. It's kind of scary to know ur at lunch in a new school without me 😢

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