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Song: "Fading Away" by Lisa Cimorelli


Heather woke up feeling empty. Nonetheless, she got up to get ready for school. She dabbed face powder over the two layers of foundation and concealer she had to apply around her eye the next day. She touched the swollen area of skin, wincing in pain. To her, yesterday's events almost felt like a dream. She almost couldn't tell if it had happened or not. She looked at herself in the mirror. I hope this is as bad as it's going to get. She walked downstairs and grabbed a banana out of the marble fruit basket in the center of the counter.

"Are you seriously eating that when I spent the whole morning making the family a gourmet meal?" her mother asked.

"I don't see a gourmet meal," she replied exhaustedly.

"It's on the table, genius."

Heather glared at her before looking at the fancy set up on the dining table. There were assorted fruits on a silver plate and waffles and bacon on another plate. She walked past it and started eating her banana.

"Aren't you going to eat that?"

"No, I'm not that hungry."

Her mom scoffed dramatically. "Well, you could've at least eaten some fruit! See? This is why your brothers and sisters are favored! They actually appreciate what I do for them!"

Without another word, Heather grabbed her backpack off the hanger by the front door and left the house. I can't wait until I'm moved out! She texted Courtney as she stormed down the sidewalk to her bus stop.

Courtney: Uh oh, what did your mom do this time?☹️

Heather: She got mad at me because I wasn't hungry! She's the most self-absorbed, overdramatic person ever!!

Courtney: That's such a weird thing to get mad at

Heather: I know!! And she straight up told me to my face that my siblings are better than me!

Courtney: Oh no, Heath. I'm so sorry😔♥️

Heather: I'm so glad I'm moving out with Chandler soon. Even with my stupid part-time job now, I wouldn't be able to make enough money to move out anytime soon!

Courtney: I'm glad you're getting to move out! Your parents don't deserve you!

Heather: They so don't!

Courtney: I've gtg, Duncan just got in my car. Will I see you at lunch?💕

Heather: Yeah💕

Heather stopped to wait for the bus. Her mom's contact appeared on her screen as her phone vibrated with a call from her. She ignored her and put her on mute.


"Yes!! Finally did it!" Geoff cheered after many attempts to slingshot an olive into his mouth off his spoon.

"Finally," Bridgette groaned. "He's been trying for days."

"And he wonders why he got kicked out of his Algebra class," Courtney deadpanned.

Heather sat next to Courtney with her bagged lunch. "Hey, babe." Courtney smiled.

"Hey." She smiled back, pulling her subway sandwich out.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah, a little."

"That's good!" She rubbed her shoulder.

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