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Song: "Animal" by Neon Trees


Heather was bored. Chandler had gone on another weekend trip. It had been about a month since they got back together after the incident, and everything was going relatively smooth, so Heather spent all those weeks making sure she didn't "mess up." Her grades had also gone up, and her mom was off her back lately.

Now, she lay in her bedroom looking through her phone. She finished her homework, and Bruiser was asleep, so there was nothing to do at her own house. She didn't want to lay in bed all day and sleep, but she also didn't want to text anyone to hang out except for Courtney, but Courtney was meeting up with her debate team for almost the entire day so they'd be ready for their big competition on Monday.

Heather scrolled through her contacts. Alejandro was the first name that popped up. "If you ever need to talk to anyone, all you have to do is text or call." She remembered his warm voice from the day she went over to his house. She- dare say it -had fun. Chandler wouldn't want me hanging out with another guy without him there. He's made that clear so many times. I don't want to risk him leaving me again. But I'm so bored. She bit her nails, thinking about her choices for a while. Geoff won't be there to take pictures. Chandler won't find out about this one. She decided to text Alejandro: Hey, jerk

Heather thought it would be at least thirty minutes before he texted back, but to her surprise, she got a reply from him in less than a minute.

Alejandro: Hola, señorita😉

Heather: Don't make me regret texting you

Alejandro: Oh no, I wouldn't want that!😔😁 Is there something wrong?

Heather: Are you busy today?

Alejandro: No, why??🤔😏

Heather: Shut up

Alejandro: We're texting, not talking😂

"Ugh!" Heather rolled her eyes hard, but blush filled her cheeks. I'm super bored today. I have no one to hang out with; she texted back.

Alejandro: Oh? You want me to entertain you?

Heather: It's just hanging out, but ok if you want to call it "entertaining."

Alejandro: I'd love to!😍

Heather: What time?

Alejandro: Can you do 4:00?

Heather: I'd rather hang out now

Alejandro: Now? Ok, if you are sure!😊

Heather: No, I'm not sure. That's why I suggested it, dummy

Alejandro: I'll be there in a few minutes to pick you up, Heather😉

A few minutes passed. Heather shook her head to herself because the idiot had forgotten to ask where she lived.

Alejandro: Oh wait, where's your house?😅

Heather: It's about time you asked🙄

She sent him her address.

Alejandro: NOW I'll be there in a few minutes. See you, chica😘

Heather wanted to slap him for his excessive use of emojis because they made her blush like crazy. And she knew he probably knew that which made her even more frustrated. Holy shit, I've got to get ready! I can't let someone see me in my oversized cat shirt and ugly grey sweatpants! She swung her legs over the bed and scrambled to her closet. She found a black crop top and a silver skirt. She grabbed her black knee-high boots and black leather jacket to match. She smiled at her choice and got dressed. She made her hair look extra sleek with her straightener and quickly applied some natural makeup and pink lipgloss. She looked at herself in the mirror. Why am I so concerned about my appearance? It's not like this is a date or anything! I just want compliments. Compliments from him. Fuck. God, no wonder Chandler worries about you cheating! Don't be a slut, Heather. She took off her skirt and changed into jeans. There. Now I'm not showing off my legs. She zipped up her jacket.

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