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Song: "Wrong Direction" by Hailee Steinfeld


Heather woke up early to the smell of blueberry pancakes. She stretched in bed and got dressed in the clothes she wore yesterday. She went downstairs.  Alejandro sat at the table, eating breakfast.

"Good morning." He smiled. "I made panqueques! That is pancakes en español!"

Heather looked at the white plate he set out for her with pancakes and syrup drizzled on top. "It smells good."

"Sí! And it is delicious."

She sat down. "Thank you. This is really nice."

"Of course." Alejandro took a bite of his food. "You look like you are still tired, chica. You are more than welcome to sleep in. I have to get up early for school."

"I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway," Heather said, shrugging.

He frowned. She's so precious. "I don't like seeing bags under those gorgeous eyes. I hope you can rest well tonight."

"Hm. Thank you." She blushed.

"I also wanted to give you this." Alejandro grabbed a black box next to him. He slid the box across the table. "For you." He grinned eagerly.

Heather gasped when she saw the iPhone picture in the front. "No way—Alejandro! No, I can't take this!"

"Ok, I can always take it back and get a refund." He reached for it, smirking.

Heather's arms shot out in front of her. She grabbed the case. "I was just kidding! It's something you say, you know?"

Alejandro chuckled. "I knew you'd want it. Besides, mi familia is rich. This doesn't affect me too greatly. I thought you wouldn't want to be alone while I'm gone today."

Heather held the silver phone in her hands. "Wow. This is so unreal!" She laughed with joy. Alejandro laughed with her, admiring her expression.

"Heather, would you like to have dinner with my family and me tonight?" he asked. "They have to leave for another business trip tomorrow, so I want to spend some time with them."

Heather twisted the fork into her pancake. "Um—yeah, sure."

"You can say no. I get if that would be too overwhelming for you,"

"No, it's fine. If I change my mind, I can do something else for a while."

"Are you sure?" Alejandro touched his glass of water.

"Yeah." She nodded. "Spend time with your family. I'll most likely have dinner with you guys."

"I must warn you, though. My undesirable brother will be here. I wish he didn't live so close to our parents." Heather laughed. "Ugh, please, do not laugh tonight. It will only encourage him."

"I can't make any promises." She shook her head with an amused grin.

Alejandro rolled his eyes, then placed the fork and knife on his plate. "Before I go, I need to tell you that I went shopping an hour ago this morning. I got you clean clothing, so you do not have to suffer from wearing an unwashed outfit all day."

Heather scoffed. "You don't even know my size."

"Nope, but I took a guess and bought small sizes. And your gratitude is deeply appreciated," he replied sarcastically.

"Well, it's rude to buy clothes for a woman when you don't know her size. It's basic etiquette." She took a drink of her water.

"Apologies, señorita, but you have nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to your body."

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