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Song: "You All Over Me" by Taylor Swift (ft. Maren Morris)

Fuck, this song gets me every time😭💔


New Years' Eve Part 1

"Happy New Year!"

"Awe, Happy New Year to you, too!"

Heather awkwardly stood by the snack bar. Geoff and Bridgette had invited her to their annual New Years' Eve party at Geoff's house. Heather missed the Christmas Eve party because she hadn't felt like socializing that day. One of her therapy sessions had happened to fall on the day before Christmas Eve, and she had needed the entire day after to get herself together.

Heather hated therapy. She couldn't stand being vulnerable for an entire hour. And even worse- she had to do it twice a week instead of the average, which was only once a week. Heather ended up crying during her last session while working through her trauma from Chandler. She had realized a few things she didn't want to. Her therapist pointed out that she built her entire self-worth over what Chandler thought of her.

For the past two years, everything was about Chandler. Heather clung to him because he was the only person who showed significant interest in her. Courtney was the only person before him, but she and Heather hadn't been friends for very long before Duncan came into Courtney's life, taking the number one spot Heather desperately wanted.


Heather ran to the door before her mother could open it. She wore a strapless, long, cream-colored ball gown. Her hair was tied up in a bun with a flower crown around her head. "That dress is so ugly," one of her sisters muttered. Heather ignored her as she swiftly passed by. The only thing on her mind was her homecoming date, who was waiting on the other side of the door.

Heather eagerly opened the door. A pair of brown eyes met her grey ones. "Wow, you look beautiful," Chandler said, his eyes twinkling in awe. He held out his hand for her. She blushed as she took it.

"Good riddance!" A spiteful voice yelled from the living room. Chandler cringed. Heather quickly stepped out and shut the door.

"Ignore my mom. She's a total bitch."

"That's your mom? Talking to you like that?" He asked softly.

"Yeah. She hates me. But it's ok because I hate her too," said Heather.

Chandler rubbed her hand. "You don't deserve to be talked to like that."

"I—" she was rendered speechless by his touch. "We should get going."

He hesitated but nodded, studying her dress further. "That dress is absolutely breathtaking."

Heather walked with him to his car. "You really think so? I looked everywhere for a dress, so a lot of work went into it!"

"I don't doubt that," Chandler chuckled. They got into his baby blue Mercedes.

"Impressive car," Heather commented, running her hands along the black leather interior.

Chandler flashed her a toothy grin. "Do you like it? I got it for my sixteenth birthday during the Summer."

"Wow. You're like, one of the only juniors in high school to have their own car. I don't even have my own car. My parents are making me use my dad's! It's pathetic!" Heather crossed her arms.

"Awe, that sucks! I bet you'll get your own car soon." Chandler started the car. "Not to make things awkward, but is this your first time going on a date?" He asked her. Heather nodded, flustered. "Oh, that's ok. I've only been on two other dates. One when I lived in Quebec and one last year."

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