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⚠️This story is rated mature, so there will be mature scenes in this chapter⚠️

Song: "Crush" by Avril Lavigne


Heather watched the first snowfall. She was sitting on the couch in Alejandro's living room with a mug of hot chocolate in her hands. Slow music played from Alejandro's iPhone through a Bluetooth device. She took a tiny sip of her drink, letting it barely touch her tongue to make sure it wasn't too hot.

Alejandro sat next to her with his mug. "Wow, eso es hermoso."


"It is beautiful. The snow. It's funny how you forget what winter looks like when it's warm outside. We adjust so quickly."

"Yeah, it's beautiful until you step outside and realize how fucking cold it is."

"That is why coats were invented, chica." Alejandro chuckled.

"Can't I just complain?" She whined.

"Yeah, but it will not help anything." He smirked at her, amused.

Heather turned towards him. "It would help me!"

"I'd be perfectly fine with hearing you complain, señorita. Do whatever you feel is best."

"It says it's above freezing, but it feels like it's below freezing. I got the mail for you this morning, and the wind was fucking awful! It stung every part of my face!"

"That must have been aggravating," said Alejandro.

"It was! And the stupid mailbox was covered in snow, so I had to use my hands to remove it! I swear to you, I nearly got frostbite!" Heather said.

"You don't have to check the mail for me, Heather."

"Well—I kind of—sort of felt guilty for living here for two weeks without doing anything to help out," she replied, putting her mug down on the coffee table.

"Awe, you felt bad? How sweet."

"Shut up about it."

Alejandro laughed, staring at her with adoration. "You are so funny when you're mad."

Heather groaned. "That's not what I'm going for."

"I know. You're trying to be intimidating. But that does not work on me."

Heather rolled her eyes, blushing. She twisted the ends of the brown blanket covering her. Heather knew she was safe at Alejandro's house, but she found it torturous. There were days where she'd see him shirtless through the crack of his bedroom door. She would pretend that she never saw it, but the image burned in her mind like a passionate fire. She thought back to the time when they almost kissed and the feeling she got when he touched her face. She never knew she could feel something that intensely.

Alejandro was lost in thought as he finished his hot chocolate. He had his "slow song" playlist on, and he couldn't help but think of waltzing. He glanced at the person sitting next to him. Her gorgeous raven locks ran over her shoulders to her lower back. Her grey eyes gazed around the room with serenity. This is so perfect. It's snowing outside, and all is calm. Should I ask her to dance? What if she says no? That would be so awkward and disappointing. I would embarrass myself! He almost didn't do it, but his feelings for her overtook his fears. He stood up, clearing his throat. "Heather, would you like to dance with me?"

Heather was speechless. Her plump lips parted. "Dance?" Her cheeks flushed rosy red. That color looks magnificent against her pale skin, Alejandro thought.

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