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Song: "Lose You To Love Me" by Selena Gomez


"Ding ding!"

Heather woke up to her alarm at 7:00 in the morning. It had been a week since she got away from Chandler, and she was still living with Alejandro. Nervous butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she got dressed for the day. Today was her first day back at school. She had been wearing the same three outfits throughout the week because she wasn't ready to get her things from the other house yet. When she got downstairs, she saw a bowl of Greek yogurt with raspberries and nuts inside. Next to the bowl was a note. It read:

I had to depart an hour earlier today due to a TA meeting. I wish we could have indulged in breakfast together this morning. I hope you like yogurt! :)

Heather smiled at the note and sat down. As she ate, her eyes fixated on his graceful handwriting. When she finished eating, she folded his letter and put it in her backpack. I could read it if I start having a hard time today. She walked to the nearest bus stop Alejandro had shown her.


"Heather!!" Courtney gave her friend a giant hug when she saw her at lunch. "I missed you so much! I'm so glad you're back at school!"

Heather shut her eyes, enjoying the hug. "Me too." They pulled out of the hug. "Duncan, I hate to admit it, but I missed you too."

"Likewise," Duncan replied, nodding.

Gwen walked up to Heather. "Hey. Are you ok?" She asked, a genuine look on her face.

"I don't know, honestly," Heather answered. She sighed. "I'm still alive if that counts for anything."

Courtney frowned and gave Heather a side hug. "We want you alive. The best Heather is alive Heather."

Heather rolled her eyes. "I don't plan on dying anytime soon."


"Hey, dudette," Geoff said.

Bridgette smiled warmly. "How are you, Heather?"

"Hey guys," Heather mumbled. "I'm alright." Did Courtney tell all of them what happened? She suddenly felt exposed. They all know? They all know I was abused? Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. A high-pitched ringing noise filled her ears. "—Courtney!" She grabbed her friend's hand.

Courtney snapped her head towards her. "Yes?"

"Can I talk to you in private?"

"—Yeah. I was actually gonna ask you the same thing. I don't really know how to tell you this, so you can go first."

Heather walked away from the group with Courtney. She stared at Courtney intensely. "Did you tell them about what happened?!"

"What?" Courtney looked back at their friend group. "No! No, I didn't. I promise!"

"Then why are they asking if I'm ok?!"

"Because I told them you were sick."


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