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Song: "1 step forward, 3 steps back" by Olivia Rodrigo


Heather excitedly ran up to her lunch group. "Hey, how's everyone doing?"

"Uh—" Gwen looked at Geoff. "I'm good?"

"What's got you in a happy mood?" Courtney smiled.

"Well—" she began.  "I got a new ring last night." She held up her left hand. Courtney and Bridgette gasped in unison.

"Oh my god, is that real?!" Bridgette said.


"Whoa, Heather! Congratulations!! I can't believe my best friend's getting married!" Courtney hugged her.

"I can't believe it either! I swear to god, I'm in a dream!"

"When's the wedding? Are you guys moving in together?!"

"Courtney, chill, he just proposed to me last night." she laughed. "And yes, we're planning on moving in together after this semester."

"I know! I'm just so happy for you! I can't wait to help you plan!"

"If she lets you help," Duncan reminded her.

"She will," she replied confidently.

"Of course you can help, Courtney."

"Knew it! I think your theme should be Spring because your favorite color's pink, and Chandler's is blue! Perfect Spring colors!"

"Courtney! I am in no place to do any wedding planning right now. But I promise I'll let you know when Chandler and I start planning."

"Oh, alright! I'll be patient." She playfully rolled her eyes.

"I can totally host an engagement party." Geoff offered. "Chandler's been my best bud since middle school!"

"Whoa, Heather's the first to get married out of all of us. Who'd have thought?" Duncan smirked.

"You're so funny, Duncan!" Heather replied sardonically.

"Every damn day! You guys fight every day!" Courtney snapped. "I'm sick of it!"

"I have a solution. Stop dating Duncan." Heather shrugged.

"Or make Heather sit where the losers are with Harold and Beth!"

"You did not just go there."

"Oh, I went there!"

"Courtney, punish your boyfriend! He started this whole thing!"

"You could've just sat back and taken it."

"Who do you think I am?!"

"Guys, shh!" Gwen put her finger up as she picked up her phone. "Hello?"

Heather gave Duncan a "looks like I got the last laugh this time" smirk. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, ok. Really sudden, but I'm cool with it. See you next Monday!" Gwen hung up the phone. "Guys, my parents are leaving for the weekend."

Geoff gasped. "You know what that means?! Partay!!"

"That's exactly what I was gonna say." She smirked.

"Alright! Who wants to party at Gwen's?"

"I'm down,"'Duncan said.

"I'll go too!" Courtney held Duncan's hand.

"I should be able to go," Heather said. "I'll ask Chandler too."

"Sweet! Dudette, I'll come over early and help you set up."

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