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Song: "Poor Marionette" by Sarah Cothran


"Heather, I'm so sorry I didn't get your message. I had my phone turned off the whole time. I just need to know if you're ok, baby. Please pick up."

Heather didn't answer Chandler's call that Monday morning because it hurt too much. The intense loneliness she felt for such a short time was unbelievable. After procrastinating and missing her first classes, she listened to his voicemail. She then showed up to school and threw her arms around him in a tight embrace. He immediately hugged her back.

"Baby, are you ok?" Chandler stroked her hair.

"I'm fine now. Now that I'm with you."

"What happened?"

"My mom. As usual."

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" Chandler didn't really have his phone turned off. He saw Heather's message but decided not to rush to her aid because he felt she needed to learn a lesson. "I'll never leave you again. I'll make it up to you. We can go out tonight. How does that sound?"

"That sounds wonderful." Heather nuzzled her nose against his cheek.

"I missed you. I wish you could've come with us, but I know you're not a fan of golf."

"I can try and come with you guys next time. It doesn't matter what we're doing as long as we're together."

"Mmm, you're so right. All I need is you, and all you need is me." He kissed her forehead. "Think you can handle being separated for another hour?"

"Yeah, that's ok." She laughed.

"I've gotta get to my history class. See you later, baby." Chandler pecked her cheek.

"You too." Heather, now feeling completely relieved, went to Spanish class. Her relief immediately went away when she remembered she had two assignments due. Fuck, I had all weekend to do this! Now my mom has another reason to hate me! She sat at her desk and kept her head down.

"Buenos días, class!" The professor greeted as she walked in with Alejandro. "You guys can pass up the homework you did this weekend, and Alejandro will grade them!" Everyone in the room stood up and turned them in while Heather stayed put, focusing hard on her notebook paper. Alejandro noticed and looked at her. She could feel him staring at her. She bit the inside of her cheek. Fuck, this is so awkward! I never forget to turn in my assignments!

Heather suffered through the entire hour, thinking about how easily she could've finished the homework. She had been too upset about her mother and Chandler to even think about doing homework. She waited until everyone was out of the room to walk up to Alejandro. "Ok, I know I didn't finish my work, but it won't happen again. Can you just put an A in for those assignments?"

Alejandro chuckled. "You're hilarious, chica. I can give you until tomorrow to finish the homework, but it'll be a lower grade because it's late. Otherwise, I get in trouble."

"Ugh," Heather groaned.

"Mind telling me why you had trouble?" He stacked the papers.

"I just—I didn't get it." she lied.

"You didn't understand the homework?" She shook her head no. He smiled a little. "I can help you right now. We'll use my copy of the homework." He got it out. "What did you not get?"

"Um—pretty much the whole thing."

Alejandro placed the paper between them. "A lot of us college students struggle with ser and estar. Ser is used when dealing with a permanent trait, like someone's eye color. Los Ojos de Heather son de un Hermoso gris. I said Heather's eyes are a beautiful grey. The son is ser in the right form."

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