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Song: "Tolerate It" by Taylor Swift


"Heather, why?" Courtney pouted after her friend told her she wouldn't be able to come to the party.

"My mom made these stupid last-minute plans."

"Since when do you ever listen to your mom?"

"Since she threatened to take my car away."

"She did?! That's so low!"

"I know, right?" Heather was impressed by how easily she came up with that lie. Heather didn't want to tell Courtney about what Chandler did to her because she felt embarrassed. I'm sure Duncan doesn't do that to her.

"Well, I'll miss you at the party tomorrow night."

"Send me pictures!"

"Totally. And videos. I can't believe you're missing your first college party because of your mom!"

"I know, I'm so ready to move out!"

"I've gotta get to class. I'll call you later, bestie!"

"Yep. See you later." Heather let out a breath and headed to the restroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, making sure the makeup she put on this morning still covered the red mark on her cheek.

LeShawna sauntered in, talking on the phone. "Oh, LaShaniqua, you would not believe how attractive the TA is in my Spanish class!" She paused, then cackled loudly. "Yeah! Exactly! I should start failing on purpose so that I can get some private tutoring lessons." Heather scoffed loudly and rolled her eyes. LeShawna paused. "I'll call you right back, ok?" She hung up, glaring at Heather. "What was that for?"

"You're disrupting my peace." She applied extra face powder to her cheek.

"If you think this bathroom is all yours, you have another thing coming!"

"Well, I was here first, wasn't I?!"

"Whatever. I'm sick of your little-miss-narcissist attitude! Always lookin' at yourself in the mirror," she grumbled.

"Maybe you need to look at yourself more. You could really use that extra check."

"Ok, that's it!" LeShawna slapped Heather's face powder out of her hand, sending it to the floor. The powder went everywhere on the ground.

Heather's jaw dropped. "Are you fucking kidding me?! Do you know how expensive that was?!"

"And do you know how expensive my tuition was? I'm not payin' for the same shit you pulled in high school!"

"Well, if you weren't so loud all the time, maybe I wouldn't have to tell you to keep it down!"

LeShawna lifted her hand to knock over her makeup bag when she noticed Heather flinched. She put her hand down, puzzled. She knew Heather never flinched during their fights. Did I really scare her? "You know what? This ain't worth my time." She turned around and walked into the stall.

Heather held her makeup bag to her chest protectively. Ugh! The nerve!! She irately grabbed a paper towel and soaked it in water before cleaning up the spilled powder.

LeShawna ruined my expensive face powder! She texted Courtney as she walked down the hall.

Courtney: What did you do this time?😒

Heather: Nothing! She was annoying me by talking loudly on the phone!

Courtney: How did you react to that?

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