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⚠️TW: This book has "Trigger Warning" all over it, but the beginning of this chapter dives into PTSD a bit deeper than previous chapters⚠️

Song: "Happier Than Ever" by Billie Eilish


"No—no no NO!!!"

Alejandro sat up on his side of the bed. "Heather," he tapped her shoulder.

"NO!!! STOP!!!" Heather's entire body was tense.

"Heather!!" Alejandro had to yell. He gently shook her awake. Heather's eyes opened wide, and she gasped for air. As her breathing calmed, she started trembling and crying. Alejandro gathered her in his arms. "I'm right here. I'm right here. It's Alejandro. You're safe." He repeatedly kissed the top of her head. As soon as Heather recognized his voice, she pressed her body firmly against his, trying to be as close to him as she could be. "Let's do our tapping like your therapist says," Alejandro whispered. Heather nodded, reluctantly pulling away from him. "Ok, fingers up to your forehead," he began, using his index fingers to tap both sides of his forehead. Heather followed his lead. After a few taps, Alejandro moved down to his cheekbones. "Now let's tap here." Heather copied his movement, only focusing on the rhythm and sensation of her fingers on her skin. They moved to the chin, shoulders, then one hand on the chest. By then, Heather was no longer shaking. "Are we calmer now?" Alejandro asked.

"Yeah," Heather sniffled.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yeah," she said, her voice hoarse. She wrapped her arms around his torso, resting her head on his chest. Alejandro rubbed her back in circles. He had to take a few breathers himself. It took everything in him to not break down in tears. Sometimes he'd use the shower to cry. It never had to happen. None of this ever had to happen to her. That's what killed him inside.

"Take your time," Alejandro said. Heather sat there in silence for a moment, trying to process everything.

"M-my dream," Heather began. "My nightmare made me remember something."

"What did it make you remember?" Alejandro asked as calmly as possible, although his stomach was churning.

"Y-you know how he bit me?" Heather started hyperventilating.

"Heather, you do not have to talk about this if you're not ready," Alejandro reassured her.

"No, I wanna—I wanna tell you," she managed. "So I can—g-get it off my chest."

"Ok. Whenever you're ready, I'm listening."

Heather started doing her tapping routine again so she'd stop hyperventilating. She tapped her chest as she spoke, "The night that Chandler—the night that he hurt me, he bit me so hard—everywhere. I-I passed out from the pain. I don't know how many times, but I passed out more than once." She sobbed in agony. "It hurt so bad—so bad. He was so rough with me. Too rough—too much."

Alejandro didn't want to imagine the things he did to her, but from what she said, he could guess where it would've hurt badly enough to make her pass out. Alejandro felt like throwing up. He wanted to take Chandler into a prison shower right this second. He wanted to watch multiple men do exactly what he did to Heather. He took a deep, shaky breath and kissed the top of her head. "That sounds terrifying. I'm so sorry, Heather." He couldn't stop his tears from falling. Alejandro tried to cry as quietly as he possibly could, but a gasp or two slipped out.

Heather sat up, looking at him with wide eyes. "Oh no, Alejandro—I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I woke you up. We can go back to sleep. I'll scratch your back!" She started tracing her fingers up and down his back.

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