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Song: "Unbelievable" by Kaci Brown


Heather got into the passenger side of Courtney's car in the red dress she wore when Chandler proposed to her. She purposely didn't wear anything to cover herself up.

Duncan sighed from the backseat. "Heather, you have your own car. Why don't you just drive that?"

"Don't listen to him. He's mad that he doesn't get to stare at my legs on the way there." Courtney rolled her eyes.

"I guess I get the honor then." Heather giggled, looking at her sparkly purple dress. "It's super hot, Duncan. You're missing out."

"Hey, I don't miss out on anything. I can always see her legs tonight." He smirked.

"Pfft." Courtney laughed. "Not if I don't let you."

Duncan pouted. "I hope you let me, princess."

"If you're lucky. Heather, your legs are practically God."

"I know." She crossed them and stretched them over the dashboard. "I just shaved them this morning."

"Self-care queen! We strive to be like you!"

"Feel them! They're so smooth!"

Courtney ran her hand up her leg. "Love it! I, unfortunately, forgot to shave last night."

"You can hardly tell. I wouldn't worry about it."

"Thank God!"

"All this girly talk is making me want to jump out of the car," Duncan said.

"What are you waiting for? No one's stopping you," Heather replied.

Courtney gave her a look. "Stop it."

"I would, but it's too much fun."

"And I would, but she's too obnoxious!"

Courtney turned on the radio and blasted classical music. "Ok, ok! I'll stop fighting!" Duncan covered his ears.


"Yes! I promise!"


"Yes. Anything to turn this garbage off."

Courtney turned it off, an offended look on her face. "Great. I expect it to be that way for the rest of the ride. AND the ride back." She looked at Duncan in her rearview mirror.

Duncan put earbuds in, and Heather looked out the window. They drove in peace until they arrived at Gwen's house.

"I don't think we need to knock," Duncan told Courtney when they got to the door.

"It's polite to knock, so yes, we do need to." She knocked.

Geoff answered the door. "Hey, party peeps! There's no need to knock; it's all cool!"

"Told you."

"Shut up."

"Heather, I thought you weren't coming, Dudette! Where's Chandler?" Geoff asked.

"He's out with his family for the weekend."

"Oh yeah, on those golf trips they always go on?"


"Nice, nice." He nodded. "Everyone, come in! We're all blowing bubbles by the pool!"

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