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Song: "You've Got This Hold On Me" by Cassidy Ford


New Years' Eve Part 2

"Ready to go on that late-night dinner date, hermosa?" Alejandro asked Heather once it was 10:00 pm.

Heather looked around. By now, most people were either drunk or sitting on the couch on their phones. "Yeah, I'm ready."

They went outside. "I would've said goodbye to Courtney, but Courtney was preoccupied with getting un-wasted," Heather said.

Alejandro smirked. "At least I'll always remember the first time I met your friend."

Heather looked at him flatly. "Haha, very funny."

"You know you want to laugh, hermosa."

"I don't. There is nothing funny about being drunk the first time you meet someone." Heather bit the inside of her cheek. "Like, imagine how embarrassed Courtney's going to be whenever—" she cut herself off as a tiny giggle slipped past her lips.

Alejandro cracked up. "I love your laugh."

"Shut up. Pretend you didn't hear it."

"Why?" Alejandro opened the passenger door for her. "It is a beautiful laugh."

"I only laugh at things that are actually funny." Heather sat down, and Alejandro shut the door and got on his side.

"That was pretty funny." He buckled his seatbelt.

Heather buckled hers, rolling her eyes. "Just—don't bring it up next time you see Courtney. It would humiliate her."

"I won't." Alejandro started the car. Hot air blew throughout the vehicle. He reached for her hand across the center console. Heather smiled and took it, lifting their hands onto the armrest. Alejandro lovingly gazed at her. "You know, I am so happy to be spending this new year with you."

Heather blushed. "Don't start that."

"Don't start what?"

"Don't give me that look because you know what it does to me."

"I can see it on your face." He grinned in amusement. "I think it's cute."

Heather shook her head, reciprocating his demeanor. "Just start driving, Alejandro. And keep your gorgeous eyes on the road."

"Gorgeous, you say?" Alejandro used his free hand to turn out of the neighborhood.

"Yeah. But they won't be gorgeous anymore if you get us into a wreck because you can't stop ogling at me."

"You deserve all the ogling in the world."

"Sounds like a poem," Heather remarked.

"Exactly. A poem about how breathtakingly gorgeous my girlfriend is," said Alejandro. "But I do not need a poem when I've got her memorized."

Heather looked at him in awe. "My boyfriend is the dorkiest man in the world, but he's literally the best person to exist in my life. I know that wasn't poetic, so don't even say anything."

Alejandro laughed. "You think I'm the best person to ever exist in your life?"

"Yeah. Besides Courtney."

Alejandro gently lifted her hand and kissed it. "Well, you are one of the best people in my life, too. I've—never felt this way before." His cheeks went hot.

"Me neither," Heather replied softly. "It feels really unique."

"Mhm." Alejandro kissed her hand again. "I think we have a strong connection. How do you feel about it?"

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